"Our Endangered Values"*

Day 226, 16:58 Published in USA Thailand by Bl1ndn3ss

These current events that afflict our eSociety are starting to reach a completely new level of malice. Not in the eUS but in all our New World the values of some people seem to have disappeared.
Well I’m not here to answer the most probable question: why? I’ll try to make this about my opinions on the subject. Opinions based on information from the forum.
Problems regarding some political power but mostly Gold have rised in quite a few of the countries.
In Spain, a former president of the National Bank took from the country a large amount of Gold (almost all, actually) and is now imposing conditions for its return. Conditions involving their new government.
In Germany, the new elected president dissolved their MPP with Sweden along with their trade agreement causing the beginning of a new international crysis that allied to the german president’s war mongering (see posts in the eRepublik forum) will probably end in either war or economic disaster.
In Greece, the former President seeing his power being taken away from him decided to bankrupt the country and destroy their economy by issueing more than 2 billions GRD and more surprisingly the Congress actually approved it.
In some countries there were allegations of multi-accounts to gain political power and several accounts have been banned.
After seeing all of this, and some previous situations, my question is: Where are the values of the citizens of this new world? Where are there morals?
People cheat, deceive and mislead with no conscience and hope they don’t get caught, and if they do get caught they just don’t care.
Where are we going? I see no future in a society that sees no limit to its greed and hunger for power.

*Former US President Jimmy Carter