[ORION] Aircraft Rank Comparison

Day 3,245, 04:21 Published in France Portugal by Orion HQ


today, we bring a special issue of ORION military reports! In this article, we will present our aircraft strength and compare our countries and their piloting skills. How many Squadron Leaders do we have? And which country has the most pilots? Scroll down and check the data!

At the moment, ORION has no Group Captains or Wing Commanders (there is only (approx.) 19 of them in the entire world, so the chances to have one are slim anyway). However, some French and Lithuanian pilots are in TOP 100 of the world and they are only one or two ** ranks away from getting the title of Wing Commander too. The amount of Chief Master Sergeants and Squadron leaders is quite similar (around 25)and it is good to see that each country is able to muster an appropriate elite airforce. In lower measured ranks ,the numbers are quite higher (about 50 Flight Lieutenants and 220 Aviators), with France showing their numerical supremacy especially in the Aviator rank.

However, the true question remains - which country has the highest percentage of skilled pilots amongst their citizens? And how big is the percentage of players, who are actually actively engaged in this war module (meaning they reached atleast the Aviator rank)? The next graph answers these question. Cuba is the winner, having one fifth of the population enlisted in the air force. Lithuania is close though, and their elite pilots are a little bit more skilled than the Cuban ones. ORION average is about 15 %. Do you think the world average is similar, lower, or higher? I'm sure it is an interesting discussion topic.

That's all for today. If you have any idea how to improve this Damage Report, let me know.

Janty F