(Open) Letter to hacker

Day 992, 23:31 Published in Serbia Serbia by RaleX037
Dear Hacker,

This eYear, I have been a very good citizen of new world. I have not lied, and I have helped to all ppl in my friend list with their experience. And I always say thank you, which makes me seem like I care, and so I deserve lots of good things in v2!

Please bring all this stuff for me and the people in my life:
For my president, please bring Valium.
For my military unit GA, please bring some good bridge fights.
For my dear serviana, please bring her eLove Marco Polo to eSerbia and her back to the game.
For my eSerbian people, please bring Kosovo in the game.
For my hamster, please bring some lamps to lick it.
Oh – and for my admin, please bring some better programmers.

Now about me! Please bring me all of the eRepublik toilet paper, and front row tickets to Admins Uptown concert – plus backstage passes so I can get autographs! Oh, and please don’t forget to bring my Q6 air unit with demage 24 so i can crash some tanks. But if you can’t, just remember that more than anything Hacker, what I really really want is to give me back good eRepublik days, like in v1.

Anyway, I hope you like the cookies admin left out for you.



PS: Please say hello to Rudolph

PPS: Oh yeah, and remember Fabius? He has been a really naughty cry-baby during the last elections and doesn’t deserve any Hackers presents. So please don’t forget to clear out his inventory and money accounts. Thanks!

PPPS: and please dear hacker Vote this article to TOP5 international

PPPPS: Dont do this anymore: bad boy :/

At the end i have a secret message for you
Just do it !
x miliJon, žimiti!!!111oneone