**** Official **** Rearden Plan 2.1 - New Taxes

Day 495, 15:57 Published in Canada Canada by Alexander Rearden

This past month the Minstry of Finance got a lot of input on tax changes, the import lowering policies of previous months have continued and have been modified and improved to better suit the needs of the economy as a whole.

The debate in congress has been going on for a number of days and appears to have settled down and enacting these new taxes will begin shortly.

Income Import VAT

Food 10% 60% 10%
Gifts 10% 50% 10%
Weapons 10% 20% 10%
Moving Tickets 10% 50% 10%
Grain 5% 15%
Iron 10% 5%
Diamonds 10% 60%
Oil 10% 75%
Wood 10% 50%
House 2% 40% 3%
Hospital 1% 1% 1%
DS 5% 1% 1%

Questions, comments etc are encouraged.

EDIT: Current Taxes