**Oct. Congress Election Snafu**

Day 1,067, 17:51 Published in New Zealand USA by Pragmat

Greetings New Zealand

In a few short days we will elect our first Congress. Many of our citizens have worked long and hard in efforts to ensure that the Congress that is elected has the best interests of New Zealand in mind. These efforts may prove to be in vain.

These efforts may prove to be in vain because certain individuals have decided they would rather put their own self-interests in front of the overly good of the nation. They have presented their case time and again and honestly I do have to say two things: 1) they have a point and b) the other side handled this poorly.

It would be wonderful to have a perfectly free election. To not be told who to vote for, that would be great. But that simply is not going to happen this month because the risks far outweigh the benefits. We could hold a free election and have our freedom and democracy and it would all be good until Oct. 26th dawns and we no longer control our country.

That being said, some of the reactions to these individuals have been over the top, derogatory and childish. Banning/deleting someone from the forums for saying something you disagree with is deplorable and goes against everything this country should stand for. Using derogatory terms and rude comments, especially when you are an official in the Provisional Government, is immature and the sign of a weak individual.

Both sides are at fault here, both carry some of the blame for things going this far. The real test, the real signal to the rest of us citizens is going to be how both sides conduct themselves moving forward. Will they show integrity and common sense? Or will they slip further down the hole? I urge anyone reading this to vote for the Unity candidates on the 25th, they have been approved by those active in the forums and will be running as members of the New Zealand Union Party.

Thank you for your time

Daniel Dodge