[NWO] On May 5th...

Day 1,615, 14:47 Published in Canada Canada by Wally Cleaver

Strength Through Unity, Unity through Faith

In the last few weeks, many accusations regarding Norsefire have been made by eCanadians. It seems a small segment of the population is complaining that Norsefire is intentionally taking up spots on the ballots of the Country Presidential elections. To that I say, of course we have been and you're welcome, eCanada.

Norsefire has been protecting eCanada from the likes of aeriala and Sara Droz. aeriala has a long history of bigotry, insults and comments designed to harm 'the team' and SaraD has recently shown that she is on par with aeriala with her own accusations of corruption against the uncorruptable Simon Boucher-Ruest (current Minister of Foreign Affairs, Auditor and Comptroller). SaraD is in fact involved in a Supreme Court case regarding her comments.

So, what will Norsefire do next month? As per our unwritten Party Charter, each month Norsefire invites our members to collectively decide who each of our Chapters will be running as candidates for Country President. This month Norsefire will be supporting none other than former President and current Party President of EPIC, Sperry.

Norsefire has already begun to show our support of Sperry in the media and will continue to do so. Oddly enough, eCanada seems confused that Norsefire would support Sperry in the first place with many eCanadians asking "Why? What's wrong with Sperry?" To that I quote Addy Lawerence, leader of the Butthurt Brigade (sEPC) and hater of yours truly:

Norsefire represents that they recognize true value in this game. I have noticed that they only take action against parties and leaders whom they believe are "posers" or "weak" or "incompetent". That is why they went after MOO when OLloyd was PP and after CPP when Prince was PP. From Norsefire's perspective, these parties "jumped the shark" and needed to be cleansed.

Norsefire recognizes the total awesomeness of Sperry and openly supports him.

On May 5th, all Norsefire members are urged to vote for Sperry and active members will be receiving their 'activity' bonuses for doing so.

@Sperry - Due to game mechanics, Norsefire asks that you nominate yourself so that our Chapters can officially show our support by proposing you as our candidate.

Long live Sperry!
Long live Rolo!
Norsefire will Prevail!