[noPoTUS] The Right Choice!

Day 1,718, 19:13 Published in USA USA by Ardez

Are you on the fence about who to vote for in the coming election? Threats loom on every side for the humble empire of the USA and the right choice needs to be made for the future of us all. You could vote for Haliman, Glove, CivA, or even Kathee. But you would be wrong.

The right choice for America, nay, the World is nobody. That's right. Nobody for PoTUS. Who is right? Who is wrong? nobody. Plain and simple. If you wanted a black and white choice, it is right here. The best choice for Amurica is nobody.

This candidate has literally come out of nowhere and had shown everybody they suck in comparison. Nobody has done it right so far, every step of the way. Nobody can and will win this next election for PoTUS. You may ask for his qualifications, his history, and his experience. He has none, which is what makes him the most qualified candidate out of any of them in the running.

When you go to vote, remember who cares -
