[NID] A Letter Home from a Spanish Soldier

Day 2,036, 13:34 Published in Canada Canada by Kazuo Leblanc

Dear Mom and Dad,

I'm having so much fun in Canada! My squadron has been deployed to so many different places. I had no idea there was so much to do here! It's a very pleasant change from life back home in Spain.

The first place I got to see was Vancouver. It was so awesome, I didn't want to leave. The people were so nice to me there. They kept feeding me brownies and these things they call "space cakes." It was sort of like that time we went to Amsterdam for a class trip, only we didn't have to go see the Anne Frank House afterwards.

Next we went to Calgary. I can't tell you how welcoming they were to us. The natives even threw us an impromptu fire ceremony.

We stopped for a day in Toronto. To be honest, it wasn't nearly as entertaining as Vancouver. Toronto was kind of like New York, only without any of the fun parts.

My favorite city, hands down, was Montréal. We ment this amazing guy, Jean-François, who took us up and down Saint Catherine Street. We had a blast. Jean-François certainly help me get to the bottom of all the fun!

Canada sure is an exciting place. I can't wait to see what else will happen here!


Señor Soldier