*NEW IMPORT TAX ON HOUSES* - What does this mean for eCanada?

Day 525, 18:32 Published in Canada Canada by AugustusV
Written by Octavian_F, Chief Editor of eWorld Economy Magazine

A new, and controversial bill, gives the thumbs-up to foreign housing companies

A new law has just been passed by congress in eCanada, which will LOWER import taxes on foreign houses.

Although just a few hours old, the new law has already sparked a heated debate by enraged eCanadian business owners.

However in order to understand the motives behind this new law, we must analyze the possible pros and cons of this decision.

The reality is that Canada's houses are the 5th most expensive in all of eRepublik, an issue that the citizens of Canada have been complaining about for a long time.

The new law, which will probably result in an explosion of foreign housing companies buying export permits, and selling their cheaper houses in Canada, may in fact spark the long needed competition in the Canadian housing industry. There are only a handful of housing companies operating in Canada, and the previous taxes on imported houses ensured that there would be no competition from abroad.

Canadian Q1 houses are about 1-2.5 gold OVER the international average, Q2 houses are around 3-4 gold OVER the international average, and our ONLY Q3 housing supplier is about 9 gold over the international average.

Canadian citizens are suffering because they have to save up larger amounts of money for houses, money that could be used towards purchasing food, gifts, weapons, moving tickets, etc. Cheaper houses would mean that the not-so-rich citizens of Canada, will finally have easier access to higher Q houses, thus giving them easier access to higher wellness. Higher wellness would mean an increased national productivity rate, which would positively affect the rest of the Canadian economy.

Also keep in mind that eCanadian citizens were very ticked off that Canada had such expensive houses (while foreign countries enjoyed cheaper housing), and the old import tax (ensuring that they had no chance of buying abroad since no foreign housing company would sell in Canada), just worked to annoy them further. Buying a moving tickets to a another country just for a house, would be too expensive and would negate any savings they would make (however for higher-Q houses, buying two moving tickets could actually be cheaper than buying a house from Canada, however just the fact that they had to pay over 20 CAD extra, when other citizens were spared this extra cost, was still unacceptable, and contributed to the growing anger at the Canadian housing firms).

Canadians had two choices, stay pissed off and buy expensive houses in an industry where foreign competition is discouraged (thus allowing Canadian housing firms to set higher prices), or, leave the country for good.

Either way, it was up to the government to make their citizens happy, after all its the citizens, not the business owners who make up the vast majority of the population, and who have the real voting power. Therefore the government decided to help eCanadians be able to afford cheaper housing, even if it was at the expense of the Canadian housing industry, and possibly the lumber industry as well.

We also must remember that so far that in Canada, only six local firms, and one government firm, have been providing houses for Canadians. The Canadian housing market has inflated prices due to low competition. Some may say that this is unfair, and that the housing companies should be forced to face outside competition in order to have fair prices. However we must not forget that Canadian housing firms offer high salaries to their employees. Outside competition will force Canadian firms to lower prices, but that may mean lowering the salaries of their employees, or firing them altogether. Expensive Canadian houses paved the way for high salaries, and the employees themselves will also suffer under the new wave of foreign houses entering the market.

Another fact to consider is that the Canadian housing industry is the one of the biggest customers of the Canadian lumber industry, if Canadian housing firms go belly up, or cease production for a while in order to empty out their inventories and restructure the company, the Canadian lumber industry (which is fairly larger than the housing industry, and which has many more employees), may also see a decline in profits, and employees in that sector may also have something to worry about.

Indeed the new law may cause the Canadian economy to stagnate a little bit, while GM's desperately try restructure their companies and make them more competitive on the Canadian, and possible the global markets as well.

However it is true that a mere 5% of the population works in construction, and that most of those higher-skilled of those workers are currently employed by the state to produce Q4 hospitals, and Q5 defense systems. Also the state-run training companies would probably be able to absorb any other employees that have lost their jobs due to the new law.

The role of the Canadian government is to represent, and act in favor of, the ruling majority. Unfortunately the GM's of the housing companies, and all their employees, do not represent that majority.

In time the Canadian housing industry will restructure itself, and possibly even become a highly competitive industry, both on a national, and maybe even on an international scale, only time may tell.

But one thing is for sure, the Canadian government has shown us that it's committed to fulfilling their responsibilities to those who voted it in power, and will not collapse under the pressures set forth by the companies who fight for their own interests. So long as our government stays this way, I am confident that things will always turn out for the better.

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