[NEW ERA] Merry Christmas + Why Join Us!

Day 2,226, 03:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by BigAnt
[NEWERA] Merry Christmas + Why Join Us!

Firstly, I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas, tis the season to be jolly.

I predict that my liver is going to be taking a real pounding over the next week (well I know it will). So I intend to get a few articles out beforehand. This being the first I will be focusing on New Era, Congress and why you should consider joining us.

Get in touch at #NewEra

If you are reading this and you are not in New Era, why should you join?

New Era is developing its members, not its leadership.
New Era is representing players who play the game, from the game.
New Era is experimenting with new methods and concepts, without fear.
New Era Gives out Q7 Tanks for your achievements.

Our party: http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/new-era-472/1
British Army: http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/group-show/3511
More info here http://www.thebritisharmy.org.uk

New Era Supplies
For every (Lvl up, BH, CH, HW, SS, TP.. medals) you get 3x Q7 tanks. We also have commune jobs available. Take a job and get paid a further 3x Q7 tanks everyday!

The fact is, the eUK lacks talent. The late Talon and others will agree with me, that new players really don't get a chance to shine anymore. Whether that be a shot at minister or president. The same old familiar faces will occupy the top positions. The problem with not injecting new talent is we eventually lack new ideas.. that has to change.

It's time, your time! to come forward, be counted and run our great country into a New Era. If you have the desire to be great, we have the platform to launch you!

If you are interested in becoming a congressman..a minister or better the next Country President. Then New Era is the party for you to shine. We are offering our newest players opportunities to run for congress and in the future government positions.

Vote New Era For Congress!
Like every year.. Congress in December falls on Christmas day.. But I would kindly ask you all to take 5mins from your festive day/new toys! to come online and vote.. Vote for New Era. Why?

This month I have to pleasure in announcing that Both:
Modern Vision
Fighters Respite

Will be running with our party! Im sure they members will also vote and support New Era on the 25th to ensure their guys get into Congress.

New Era Party President