İnci We Trust

Day 1,202, 13:53 Published in USA Serbia by Citizenturk Holding

[21:51] beyler
[21:51] when we are goin to do this
03[21:51] * denizvodna03 (cgiirc@4B2EB2BB.12878607.3B8BEBAD.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
[21:51] ingilizce bilmeyenlere sorulari ben tercüme edicem
[21:51] bikaç soru soracaklar
[21:51] AGREED dagitim alacak olanlar
[21:51] festoz what re you sayin
[21:51] AGREED derlerse kebap
01[21:51] Roy_Volcrum we r waiting for the translation
[21:51] roy_volcrum im talkin' about informations
[21:52] kk
01[21:52] ok festoz continue please
03[21:52] * DanielP sets mode: +v Richard_Skinner
01[21:52] welcome INCI
03[21:52] * KKoskocaman (cgiirc@2E2F648E.EC7AD006.9960520E.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
03[21:52] * semikacar ( has joined #usa-forinci
[21:52] do you wanna start guys?
03[21:52] * ugr7t (cgiirc@510FEDAD.436292AD.E82B9463.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
03[21:52] * DanielP sets mode: +h Dick_Fineyard
[21:52] alot waiting.
[21:53] Ok, I have a simple explanation, we actually follow RL question for immigration and food and weapons
01[21:53] festoz do they know why they are here my friend?
01[21:53] please explain it in Turkish...
[21:53] we should follow same way
[21:53] JamesK didnt he do that?
[21:53] all questions is same like that
03[21:53] * ugr7t (cgiirc@510FEDAD.436292AD.E82B9463.IP) has left #usa-forinci
01[21:54] I don't know Roy
01[21:54] festoz?
[21:54] im here
03[21:54] * Roy_Volcrum is now known as [MI]Roy_Volcrum
[21:54] beyler
01[21:54] do they know why they are here now?
[21:54] bayrak rengi gibi kolay sorular soracaklarmis
[21:54] amaçlari amerikayi tanitmak galiba
[21:55] yalakalik yapiyo piçler
[21:55] sirayla hepinize voice vericem
[21:55] voice alana soru soracaklar
[21:55] ingilizce bilmiyorsaniz bilmediginizi belirtin
[21:55] basliyoruz
03[21:55] * Dick_Fineyard sets mode: +h Richard_Skinner
[21:55] ok we are ready
[21:56] kk lets do this
05[21:56] -KutlukBilgeKulKagan- tell us what you will distrubute first
05[21:56] -KutlukBilgeKulKagan- maybe some of us dont need what you will distrubute
03[21:56] * Richard_Skinner sets mode: +v AnkaLeadeR
[21:57] ankaleader
[21:57] KutlukBilgeKulKagan please dont be harmful
01[21:57] AnkaLeadeR it's your turn
[21:57] Ingilizcem iyi degil
[21:57] -my english is not good-
01[21:57] ok festoz please help him
[21:57] allright
01[21:58] First of all welcome AnkaLeadeR
01[21:58] I think you got the information from festoz about our distribution
[21:59] yes
[21:59] -sanirim mevzu hakkinda bilgin var ankaleader-
01[21:59] Our questions are very basic, don't be afraid
[21:59] evet
[21:59] -sorularimiz kolay olacak korkma-
01[22:00] 1- What is the capital of the US?
[22:00] -i understand-
[22:00] Washington DC.
[22:00] amerikanin baskenti
01[22:01] 2- How many states are there in the Union?
[22:01] -amerika'daki eyalet sayisini soruyor-
[22:01] JamesK even i dont know that.
[22:01] lol
01[22:01] [MI]Roy_Volcrum I'm trying to be fair, these are basics 🙂
[22:01] 48 +1 😃
[22:01] i think 😃
[22:01] 4Don't tender with away status if so you'll be suspended from the channel without second warning!
[22:01] or 50 + 1 😃
[22:02] k agreed.
01[22:02] 3- Who is the previous president of the USA?
[22:02] -amariganin bi önceki baskani hangi piçtir-
[22:02] soru bu
[22:02] 50 state , and one federal region
[22:02] Bush
[22:02] gerçektekini soruyolar ankaleader
[22:02] agreed
[22:03] agreed
[22:03] Now Obama
[22:03] agreed
[22:03] agreed
[22:03] disagreed 😛
[22:03] First
[22:03] agreed
[22:03] George Washington
01[22:03] c'mon! 😃
[22:03] haha he is very knowledge about USA i think
[22:03] second John Adams.
03[22:03] * ankaragucumegidiyor (cgiirc@6707E13F.2F0DA08C.9FF132CD.IP) has left #usa-forinci
01[22:04] I think AnkaLeadeR deserves this distribution
[22:04] William Jeffersen Clinton 42. president of United States of America.
01[22:04] my last opinion is: AGREED like my other friends
[22:04] Thanks 🙂
[22:04] AGREED.
[22:04] agreed
01[22:04] congrats AnkaLeadeR!
[22:04] If you have more questions for me 🙂
[22:05] Many thanks :JamesK and your other friends.
[22:05] Next please...
03[22:05] * Richard_Skinner sets mode: -v AnkaLeadeR
03[22:06] * Richard_Skinner sets mode: +v semikacar
[22:06] ,voice AnkaleadeR
[22:06] .voice AnkaleadeR
01[22:07] ok semikacar it is your turn
01[22:07] do you need help from festoz?
02[22:07] * +semikacar ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
05[22:08] -KutlukBilgeKulKagan- when will you give my turn? i joined the room a long time ago
01[22:08] disconnected I guess...
[22:08] He isn't willing to gain help
01[22:08] KutlukBilgeKulKagan please wait your turn
03[22:09] * semikacar ( has joined #usa-forinci
03[22:10] * JamesK sets mode: +v semikacar
03[22:10] * Haanyus (Guest28750@6730E6C8.6FC10222.5ED3A48B.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
01[22:10] ok let's begin semikacar
02[22:10] * Haanyus (Guest28750@6730E6C8.6FC10222.5ED3A48B.IP) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
03[22:10] * Haanyus (Haanyus@6730E6C8.6FC10222.5ED3A48B.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
[22:10] me?
[22:10] semikacar sira sende reyiz
[22:10] ingilizce biliyor musun
[22:10] çeviri yapayim mi?
[22:10] i timed out and i never see
[22:11] festoz la olum time out olmusum
[22:11] i asked that if he need help
01[22:11] ok
[22:11] ne yazildigini görmedin
[22:11] daha sormadilar
01[22:11] waiting...
[22:11] zaten
[22:11] ok he is ready
[22:11] i am ready
01[22:11] 1- Can you introduce yourself with few words?
01[22:12] school/job, age, city etc.
[22:12] i am studying at metu
[22:12] 24 years
[22:12] and my origin city is sakarya
01[22:13] ok thx
01[22:13] 2- Count 3 states of the US
[22:13] west virginia
[22:13] wisconsin
[22:13] new york
[22:13] 😃
01[22:14] Wisconsin is not a state
01[22:14] Think 1 more
[22:14] my buddy were there
[22:14] in this summer
[22:14] california
01[22:15] It's really important criteria for us to count our states semikacar
[22:15] ohh student exchange programm? or smtelse
[22:15] no it was a work and travel
[22:15] agreed.
[22:16] ok isnt that enough folks.
[22:16] agreed as well
[22:16] oh I see, WAT program
[22:16] next one
[22:16] agreed.
[22:16] agreed.
[22:16] agreed
01[22:16] Yeah he is good in English, AGREED semikacar
[22:16] i am studying inm metu
[22:16] and
01[22:16] say hello to your buddy from us 🙂
[22:16] Agreed Sir!
03[22:16] * Richard_Skinner sets mode: -v semikacar
03[22:17] * Richard_Skinner sets mode: +v pekmezakilli
[22:17] hi
[22:17] im ready 🙂
[22:17] pekmezakilli yardim istiyor musun
01[22:17] hi pekmezakilli it's good to see you're ready 🙂
[22:17] festoz ty panpa
[22:18] i think i can answer my self 🙂
01[22:18] 1- Can you introduce yourself with few words? (school/job, age, city etc.)
[22:18] im looking for a job
[22:18] 29 years old
[22:19] and Kirsehir 🙂
[22:19] not smart
[22:19] maybe clever 😛
[22:19] 1.85 meters
[22:19] etc
01[22:19] ok thx pekmezakilli, enough explained.
01[22:19] 2- How many stars are there in our flag?
[22:20] 50 stars
01[22:20] And what is our flag colours?
[22:20] red blue and white
01[22:21] 3- Do you know that is the meaning of 50 stars in our flag?
[22:22] they are states of us
01[22:22] And the last one...
01[22:22] 4- Who is the killer of Abraham Lincoln?
[22:22] in 5 seconds please
[22:23] counting...
[22:23] 2---
[22:23] 1----
[22:23] over..
[22:23] disagreed
[22:23] your answer pekmezakilli
[22:23] disagreed
[22:23] 🙁
[22:23] disagreed 🙁
[22:23] disagreed.
[22:23] disagreed.
[22:23] disagree😛(
01[22:23] DISAGREED! You have to study more in history my friend
[22:23] disagreed, next one !
[22:23] disagreed
[22:24] its enough for me panpas thnx 🙂
03[22:24] * Richard_Skinner sets mode: -v pekmezakilli
03[22:24] * Richard_Skinner sets mode: +v Haanyus
[22:24] hi
01[22:24] hi Haanyus
01[22:24] Do you need translation?
02[22:25] * denizvodna03 (cgiirc@4B2EB2BB.12878607.3B8BEBAD.IP) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[22:25] no
[22:25] ok guys
01[22:25] 1- Can you introduce yourself with few words? (school/job, age, city etc.)
[22:25] disagreed on that.
[22:25] i know that guy.
[22:25] i watching south park, i know english
[22:25] he did some damage on us recently.
[22:26] im 25 years old
[22:26] haanyus, disagreed !
[22:26] graduated from eagen uni
[22:26] why ?
01[22:26] What is your father's name Haanyus?
[22:27] i would like to know his moms name.
[22:27] Namik
01[22:27] And your mother?
03[22:27] * cccinciyarakoscc (cgiirc@117B7825.805B629D.F8FDB8FC.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
03[22:27] * DanielP sets mode: -v Haanyus
[22:28] his mom is with me now.
[22:28] xaxaxa
03[22:28] * Richard_Skinner sets mode: +v antiocha
01[22:28] DanielP you're like INCI guys bro
01[22:28] c'mon 🙂
01[22:28] hi antiocha welcome my friend
[22:28] hi panpa
01[22:29] Do you need translation?
[22:29] yes. I need translation
01[22:29] ok festoz
[22:29] im ready
01[22:29] 1- Can you introduce yourself with few words? (school/job, age, city etc.)
03[22:29] * AnkaLeadeR was kicked by Richard_Skinner (ankaleader)
03[22:30] * AnkaLeadeR (cgiirc@E74F6F2E.FA65BBF4.69583531.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
[22:30] kendini tanitmani istiyor
[22:30] annadim panpa
[22:30] ama türkçe soleyecem ne ayahla bunlar sikerun
[22:30] nese
03[22:30] * AnkaLeadeR (cgiirc@E74F6F2E.FA65BBF4.69583531.IP) has left #usa-forinci
03[22:30] * Haanyus (Haanyus@6730E6C8.6FC10222.5ED3A48B.IP) has left #usa-forinci
[22:30] ben ögrenciyim
[22:30] üniversite ögrenci
[22:31] insaat mühendisligi okuyorum.
[22:31] -im studying at university-
[22:31] 22 yasindayim
[22:31] i'll be engineer and i'm 22
[22:31] antakyaliyim. I am from antiocha
[22:31] yani antiochia aslinda ingilizcesi
03[22:31] * AIexanderHamilton (cgiirc@E74F6F2E.FA65BBF4.69583531.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
01[22:32] ok
01[22:32] 2- How often do you watch porn? Do you prefer American porns?
[22:32] yes. I like.
[22:33] ne siklikla porno izliyorsun? amerikan pornolarini seviyor musun?
[22:33] good question bro
[22:33] en sevdigim porno yildizi rebeca linares
01[22:33] antiocha she is my wife 😡
[22:33] my favourite porn star is Rebeca Linares
[22:33] lol
01[22:33] Do you know her?
[22:33] jamesk shemale
01[22:34] antiocha DISAGREED because of your misbehaviour
01[22:34] festoz please translate it
03[22:34] * JamesK sets mode: -v antiocha
01[22:34] Next!
[22:34] now
[22:34] kybele
03[22:34] * JamesK sets mode: +v KYBELE`_
[22:35] Hi
03[22:35] * antiocha (cgiirc@5FE9BEB1.1CBBAE75.5E384B82.IP) has left #usa-forinci
01[22:35] Hi KYBELE`_
03[22:35] * KYBELE`_ is now known as EXPOLIVE
01[22:35] Do you need translation?
[22:35] my english is so so
[22:35] hi bro 😁
03[22:35] * enflasyoncavarii (cgiirc@1403D5D8.8E642750.B67F6255.IP) has left #usa-forinci
[22:35] maybe i need translation
[22:37] ok im ready
01[22:37] 1- Can you introduce yourself with few words? (school/job, age, city etc.)
[22:37] 22 years old
[22:37] I'm studying at MArmara Technical Univercity
[22:37] from Bursa
[22:38] fan of BURSASPOR
[22:38] texas siker
03[22:38] * Fives (cgiirc@E678B1E6.7748CD5A.F48B1C9C.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
[22:38] texas?
[22:38] texas ?
[22:38] texas ?
[22:38] texas?
[22:38] do you know texas?
[22:38] texas = bursaspor's fan
01[22:38] Are you from Texas?
[22:38] group
[22:38] you from texas good
[22:38] nooo texas = bursaspor's fan group
[22:39] next one question..
[22:39] you can write texas bursaspor in google 🙂
[22:39] disagreed -.-
01[22:39] Ok I got it EXPOLIVE
01[22:39] thx
[22:39] next question
[22:39] agreed
02[22:39] * semikacar ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
01[22:40] JamesK is ~SellaTurc@3165736E.FB90FA2F.7180427.IP * ...
01[22:40] JamesK on USWP #tc #usaaa #usa-chat %#usa-forinci
01[22:40] JamesK using Rizon Client Server
01[22:40] JamesK is using modes +ipx authflags: [none]
01[22:40] JamesK is actually ~SellaTurc@ []
01[22:40] JamesK has been idle 5secs, signed on Sun Mar 06 20:18:24
01[22:40] JamesK End of /WHOIS list.
[22:40] disagreed!
Session Close: Sun Mar 06 22:40:18 2011

Session Start: Sun Mar 06 22:40:18 2011
Session Ident: #usa-forinci
02[22:40] * Disconnected
02[22:40] * Attempting to rejoin channel #usa-forinci
03[22:40] * Rejoined channel #usa-forinci
03[22:40] * Topic is 'Dear INCI member, This is office channel of irc distrubtion for inci members. America loves INCI, INCI loves America'
03[22:40] * Set by Henry_Aundrey!cgiirc@DCEB72C3.AAF272B1.EF2E084C.IP on Sun Mar 06 21:20:53
[22:40] only 1 question ?
[22:40] agreed
[22:40] no
Session Close: Sun Mar 06 22:40:44 2011

Session Start: Sun Mar 06 22:40:44 2011
Session Ident: #usa-forinci
02[22:40] * Disconnected
02[22:42] * Attempting to rejoin channel #usa-forinci
03[22:42] * Rejoined channel #usa-forinci
03[22:42] * Topic is 'Dear INCI member, This is office channel of irc distrubtion for inci members. America loves INCI, INCI loves America'
03[22:42] * Set by Henry_Aundrey!cgiirc@DCEB72C3.AAF272B1.EF2E084C.IP on Sun Mar 06 21:20:53
[22:42] what do you think about this video?
[22:42] lol 🙂
[22:42] 1what do you think about this video!
[22:43] i watched this video before
[22:43] is that shemale?
[22:43] and i laugh
[22:43] omg.
[22:43] omg
01[22:43] Hey guys did you show him that video? 😃
[22:43] #usa-forinci Cannot send to channel
[22:43] omfg
[22:43] no ! now wach !
03[22:43] * antiocha (cgiirc@5FE9BEB1.1CBBAE75.5E384B82.IP) has left #usa-forinci
[22:43] everybody says bursa have a lot of shemale but
[22:44] another citys have more than
[22:44] bursa
[22:44] bursa motor
[22:44] why you laughed? do you like shemales?
[22:44] hmm -.-
[22:44] expolive
[22:44] noo
[22:44] they are speaking turkish
[22:44] yess
[22:44] whats she talking about in that video?
[22:44] they are saying " I'm from bursa, i'll fuck everywhere
[22:44] omg.. disagreed!
[22:44] disagreed!
[22:44] indeed !
[22:44] desiagreed
[22:44] fuck off man !
[22:44] disagreed*
[22:45] danielp shut up nigga
[22:45] i haven't relevance about this shemale
[22:45] lol 🙂
[22:45] hell no 🙁
03[22:45] * Sebatay (cgiirc@1FB992CF.4279CC75.D0D43E7C.IP) has left #usa-forinci
[22:45] festoz de ki
03[22:45] * antiocha (cgiirc@5FE9BEB1.1CBBAE75.5E384B82.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
[22:45] bu travestiyle alakam fln
[22:45] yok
[22:45] i don't know who is s/he
03[22:45] * DanielP sets mode: -v EXPOLIVE
[22:45] he said
[22:45] no no no..
[22:45] disagreed !
03[22:46] * Richard_Skinner sets mode: +h JamesK
01[22:46] thx Richard
01[22:46] we have to set this
01[22:46] whatever
01[22:46] let's continue
01[22:46] NEXT!
[22:46] next one..
03[22:46] * Richard_Skinner sets mode: +v Salante
01[22:47] hi Salante
01[22:47] Do you need translation?
[22:47] hi guys
[22:47] no indeen
[22:47] indeed*
01[22:47] So let's start...
01[22:47] 1- Can you introduce yourself with few words? (school/job, age, city etc.)
03[22:48] * pekmezakilli (cgiirc@AE53FFD5.E9325AE7.13B74EDC.IP) has left #usa-forinci
[22:48] 31 years old
[22:48] finished Istanbul Inci Universty
03[22:48] * Richard_Skinner sets mode: -v Salante
[22:49] i heard something abt salante is we automatically reject shemales.
[22:49] next one
[22:49] disagreed
[22:49] next one
03[22:49] * JamesK sets mode: +v cccfatteyccc
[22:49] hi
01[22:49] cccfatteyccc it's your turn...
01[22:49] hi
01[22:49] 1- Can you introduce yourself with few words? (school/job, age, city etc.)
02[22:49] * EXPOLIVE (~KYBELE@DF681AAD.E77899D0.E87598D.IP) Quit (Quit: get satisfied! ? :: ««« (Gamers.IRC) »»» :🙂
[22:49] i am student at hacettepe university
[22:49] and my department is english language taching
[22:49] 19 years old
03[22:50] * ankaragucumegidiyor (cgiirc@9B6F01B.5B8C7061.9FF132CD.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
03[22:50] * babayarro (cgiirc@91DAC588.C5AF2DE.FD37C86B.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
[22:50] im living in ankara capital of Türkiye atm
[22:50] need more information or enough?
01[22:50] ok it's enough
01[22:51] 2- Do you know about Brazzers? If you know do you know the name of that BALD guy who plays in every movie? 🙂
[22:51] i've never joined this website
[22:51] my faourite is Youjizz 😉
[22:51] disagreed
[22:52] oh noo
[22:52] disagreed !
[22:52] disagree😛(
03[22:52] * DanielP sets mode: -v cccfatteyccc
01[22:52] Youjizz is our enemy
01[22:52] sorry cccfatteyccc DISAGREED!
03[22:52] * cccfatteyccc (cgiirc@83CCA1DA.E49DDB3F.2D352E05.IP) has left #usa-forinci
[22:52] next
[22:52] kutluk
01[22:52] NEXT!
03[22:52] * JamesK sets mode: +v KutlukBilgeKulKagan
[22:53] You ask questions that you have never known before. First answer this easy question: what year was Statue of Liberty created? and in which country was it created? and why is it gifted for? u know? i think no.
[22:53] if you want to help inci, just help, dont ask noob question. did we ask any question about Turkey to you to Vote for Glove?
01[22:53] KutlukBilgeKulKagan you waited very long for this my friend
[22:53] i wont act like a student to get help. it is without honour. as i said, if you want to help, just help as a thank you. you push inci away with what you are doing now.
[22:53] JamesK: i deserved to say this
[22:53] btw, if you want Q5 Tank, if you really need, i give it free
[22:53] i wont ask questions
02[22:54] * AIexanderHamilton (cgiirc@E74F6F2E.FA65BBF4.69583531.IP) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[22:54] making fun of us
[22:54] disagreed 🙁
03[22:54] * ankaragucumegidiyor (cgiirc@9B6F01B.5B8C7061.9FF132CD.IP) has left #usa-forinci
[22:54] i dont need food
[22:54] you lost us
03[22:54] * faucoult (~Mibbit@61A22689.D7FEAF03.1C2687BA.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
[22:54] i have 28 companies
[22:54] 🙂
[22:55] oh nooo !!
[22:55] read up
01[22:55] KutlukBilgeKulKagan sorry
[22:55] disagreed man !
01[22:55] DISAGREED!
[22:55] :/
[22:55] antiocha: malmisin gerzek, ben sana veririm ekmek
01[22:55] Take your companies and go away!
[22:55] kick him guys
[22:55] kutluk fuck off
03[22:55] * +KutlukBilgeKulKagan (cgiirc@22B6BB8C.FEA7B33C.DF2CD87F.IP) has left #usa-forinci (fck off)
[22:55] Disagreed, but we love you 🙁
[22:55] disagreed
[22:55] no no no please.
[22:55] such a loser
03[22:55] * KKoskocaman was kicked by JamesK (KKoskocaman)
[22:56] ccc danielp ccc 🙂
01[22:56] NEXT!
03[22:57] * JamesK sets mode: +v cccinciyarakoscc
03[22:57] * KKoskocaman (cgiirc@2E2F648E.EC7AD006.9960520E.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
[22:57] what "yarakos" means
03[22:57] * StylaH32 ( has joined #usa-forinci
03[22:58] * baykusreis (~Mibbit@67B2A5FC.F0DB6C79.6B6949E2.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
03[22:58] * sarkant (cgiirc@43F6A62F.52612980.A3E6B642.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
03[22:58] * cccfatteyccc (cgiirc@83CCA1DA.E49DDB3F.2D352E05.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
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03[22:58] * system31 (cgiirc@516C48C0.AAF9117A.5E384B82.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
03[22:58] * baykusreis (~Mibbit@67B2A5FC.F0DB6C79.6B6949E2.IP) has left #usa-forinci
[22:58] guys is that finished?
03[22:58] * HarryJackson is now known as karatoprakonur
[22:58] i think it should finished
03[22:58] * PhilipeIV is now known as killanmis
03[22:58] * system31 (cgiirc@516C48C0.AAF9117A.5E384B82.IP) has left #usa-forinci
[22:58] festoz
03[22:58] * baykusreis (~Mibbit@67B2A5FC.F0DB6C79.6B6949E2.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
01[22:58] ok that's OK for tonight
01[22:58] festoz thx
[22:58] u wanna bread?
03[22:58] * %Dick_Fineyard (cgiirc@7E5F8879.19D3C794.D82428E4.IP) has left #usa-forinci
01[22:58] good job bro
03[22:59] * +killanmis (cgiirc@2923BE03.CBBC275C.9960520E.IP) has left #usa-forinci
[22:59] ekmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek?
03[22:59] * ankaragucumegidiyor (cgiirc@9B6F01B.5B8C7061.9FF132CD.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
03[22:59] * ankaragucumegidiyor (cgiirc@9B6F01B.5B8C7061.9FF132CD.IP) has left #usa-forinci
03[22:59] * Richard_Skinner is now known as robi
03[22:59] * DanielP is now known as LagaLuga
01[22:59] Good job DanielP Jack_Harrison AlexAIII
03[22:59] * fr3dster is now known as thisfire
[22:59] ccc inci kanirtir ccc
[22:59] ccc inci kanirtir ccc
[22:59] ccc inci kanirtir ccc
03[22:59] * JamesK is now known as SellaTurcica
[22:59] +m'den
[22:59] çikarin kanali piçler
[22:59] 😃
[22:59] 0,01 donateler gelicek beyler
[22:59] mülakati geçenlere
[23:00] asjdhkjasgdkjas
[23:00] 0,01 meksika parasi donate ediyorum
03[23:00] * SellaTurcica sets mode: -m
[23:00] amk superdi la
[23:00] :d
[23:00] 😃
[23:00] TAAM MI
01[23:00] robi ahahahaha
[23:00] adam çildirdi amk
[23:00] makale sikertmesini özet geçin piçler
[23:00] 😃
03[23:00] * SellaTurcica is now known as Guest13877
[23:00] ccc caps ccc
[23:00] hahahaha
[23:00] kutluk'u
[23:00] çagirin lan
[23:00] ahahaha
[23:01] ben sorulara cevap verenlere 30 usd donate edecegim
[23:01] isimleri aldim
03[23:01] * babayarro is now known as inci_jhuko
[23:01] amk az daa diplomatik kriz çikariyodunuzl a😃
03[23:01] * kornetto_osman (cgiirc@7E5F8879.19D3C794.D82428E4.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
[23:01] bana at amk
[23:01] hahaha
[23:01] -m
[23:01] you father name
01[23:01] Jack_Harrison helal panpa asdhasdhasdha
[23:01] NAMIK
[23:01] HAHAHA
[23:01] beyler capsler çalismiyor
[23:01] oplayin beyler
[23:01] 😃
[23:01] kutluk gelsin kutluk
[23:01] antiocha panpa biraz aceleye geldi amk
[23:01] aslinda daha güzle sikertirdik de neyse 😃
[23:01] iyi oldu yine
[23:01] kutlugu çagirin amk
[23:01] la nabionuz burda amk ?
03[23:01] * killanmis (cgiirc@2923BE03.CBBC275C.9960520E.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
03[23:01] * KutlukBilgeKulKagan (cgiirc@22B6BB8C.FEA7B33C.DF2CD87F.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
[23:01] 😃😃
[23:01] zaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[23:01] zaaaaaaaaaaaaa xd xd
[23:01] lan kutluk haduashfuhas
[23:01] kutluk ne adamsin amk ya
[23:01] xP
[23:01] zhaaaa Xd
03[23:02] * AlexAIII is now known as Citizenturk
[23:02] kutluk gaz beyler
[23:02] zaaa xD
[23:02] kutluk reyiz bundan sonra
[23:02] adam ulkucu yemini edecekti utanmasa
[23:02] kutlukr eyiiiiiiiiiiz
[23:02] 😃
[23:02] bayragaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
03[23:02] * merttrarmy (cgiirc@18BAC0F1.A7FB37BD.773D7F05.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
[23:02] ebenize koyim
[23:02] inkilisçe yemin
[23:02] adahsufiashfiusfasf
[23:02] vatanaaaaaaaaaaa
03[23:02] * Guest13877 is now known as SellaTurcica
[23:02] liseli alert
[23:02] topragaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[23:02] ahahaha
[23:02] kutluk yemin ederim güldüm lan
[23:02] siginaklara
[23:02] kuranaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[23:02] marmara teknik uni ney lan
[23:02] hahahaha
[23:02] yeni mi acildi
[23:02] ahahaha
[23:02] amk
[23:02] bende diyom bu amerikali götler bile düzgün ingilizce konusamiyor
[23:02] o kimdi lan
[23:02] aushdaisuhfaisuas
[23:02] ebenize koyim
01[23:02] ahahahahaa
[23:02] hasduahsdiuashfuasf
[23:02] 😃😃😃😃😃😨😨😨😨😨😃:d
[23:02] marmara teknik üni 😃
01[23:02] KutlukBilgeKulKagan süperdin panpa
01[23:02] capsler alindi
01[23:02] 😃
[23:02] hangi liseliydi o
[23:02] beyler loglarla makale acam mi
[23:02] lan gece gece iyi güldürdün amk
[23:02] ege diyen kimdi
[23:02] amk makale sikertmesini özet geçin
03[23:02] * sisisi (cgiirc@19C08039.67DF35A7.D46ECE73.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
[23:03] onu merak ediyorum
[23:03] harbi lan hanginiz marmarateknikten amk
[23:03] ankaleader iyiydi ya
[23:03] yarra yering amina goyim
[23:03] ege diyen hasandi
[23:03] Citizenturk: sendemi haci
[23:03] bu ne kanali
[23:03] amini siktikleri
[23:03] amk marmara teknik ne sa
[23:03] haci alirim loglari
[23:03] mircdeyim sorun olmaz 😃
[23:03] hacettepe teknik daa iyiydi la
[23:03] sktir et makale falan açma
03[23:03] * ankaragucumegidiyor (cgiirc@9B6F01B.5B8C7061.9FF132CD.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
[23:03] biri metu filan dedi
[23:03] açin beyler, gücüme gitmez. ama iyi yemisim
[23:03] kimdi lan o?
[23:03] sey yapim
[23:03] semikacar
[23:03] hay ebenize koyim. ama iyi organizasyon
[23:03] sikerim MUTENIZI
[23:03] makale acacam valla
03[23:03] * drksd (~Mibbit@F84EDF9F.EBBEE1D7.51F9D65B.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
02[23:03] * inci_jhuko (cgiirc@91DAC588.C5AF2DE.FD37C86B.IP) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[23:03] hic ucari kacari yok
[23:04] ankaleader capsini aldiniz mi ?
[23:04] capsleri kim aldi
[23:04] 😃 😃 😃
01[23:04] 😃
[23:04] amuga goruk
[23:04] beyler
[23:04] anka capsi bende
[23:04] oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
[23:04] aga altima sictim amk
[23:04] bosaldim
[23:04] olm reyiz döndü aq
[23:04] dfghjakla
[23:04] fatih tamam 😃
[23:04] sajdglkasjldks
[23:04] koca yusufun sozunu soracaktik aslinda
[23:04] reyiz dönmüs :/
[23:04] bu sozun sahibi kimdir
[23:04] devlet bahceli
[23:04] yavru kurdumla yeter tasak geçtigin 😃
01[23:04] ahahahahaha
[23:04] reyiz siker aq
[23:04] auhsduashfasf
02[23:04] * StylaH32 ( Quit
[23:04] hahha
01[23:04] Turkish genius Ankaleader
01[23:04] 😃
[23:05] ghajskdlfqgwhejklsasdghzjxkclslhgqwfeghjkl
[23:05] turkish genius
[23:05] anka daha inciye girmez
[23:05] girmesin zaten 15 yasinda liseli piç
[23:05] :/
[23:05] gitsin osbir çeksin
[23:05] karatoprakonur senin yavru baykus üzülür mü lan
[23:05] isi ne 😃
[23:05] beyler makale aciom
[23:05] ankaleader, semi kacar, pekmezaakilli, antiocha, expolive, Salante, ccfatteyccc, KutlukBilgeKulKagan profil linkizi yorum olarak yazin. 30 usd geliyor.Thx
03[23:05] * baykusreis (~Mibbit@67B2A5FC.F0DB6C79.6B6949E2.IP) has left #usa-forinci
[23:05] açma citizen
[23:05] yok o da katilmak istedide
[23:05] benim gazetenin 2000 subsu var 😃
[23:05] olm sey aypim
[23:05] beyler
[23:05] ben yapma dedim 😃
[23:06] eski makalelerden birini editleyeyim
[23:06] para geliyo biz yapmayalimmi
[23:06] bu loglari
[23:06] capslari koyayim
[23:06] isteyen baksin
[23:06] medyada cikmasin
[23:06] nasil fikir
[23:06] al panpa benimkisi
02[23:06] * +Citizenturk (~name@B314F7AF.DDE3DAAE.9BA7F29.IP) Quit (Quit: get satisfied! ? :: ««« (Gamers.IRC) »»» :🙂
03[23:06] * ankaragucumegidiyor (cgiirc@9B6F01B.5B8C7061.9FF132CD.IP) has left #usa-forinci
[23:06] amk makaranizi yemeyene ödül yok mu piçler
[23:06] 😃
[23:06] ya bana bise atmayin, ekmek attim panpalar ezilmesin diye
[23:06] panpa sizdenidim bende ama alirim o parayi
[23:06] heeaa banada para verin lan
[23:06] hahahaha
01[23:06] ama türkçe soleyecem ne ayahla bunlar sikerun
01[23:06] ama türkçe soleyecem ne ayahla bunlar sikerun
01[23:07] antiocha helal panpa 😃
[23:07] ben hiç siklemedim
[23:07] direk uyandim
[23:07] abd gunahini vermez lan 😃
03[23:07] * ankaragucumegidiyor (cgiirc@9B6F01B.5B8C7061.9FF132CD.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
03[23:07] * Citizenturk (~name@B314F7AF.DDE3DAAE.9BA7F29.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
[23:07] KutlukBilgeKulKagan ne atar yapti lan gururlu pic
[23:07] lan olm 5 tane amerikan toplayamayiz siz malmisiniz amerikalilarin ayagina gidiyosunuz
[23:07] orospuluk yaptiniz beyler
01[23:07] valla ya KutlukBilgeKulKagan sana da helal panpa
[23:07] bende sizi protesto ediyordum
[23:07] ankaragucumegidiyor guys please help him
[23:07] amk kanali sikertip sikertmemekte ikilemde kaldim
[23:07] sikerim helpini amk
[23:07] disagreed!
[23:07] en sonunda kutluk patladi
[23:07] ankaragucumegidiyor panpa profil linkini at
01[23:07] 28 tane sirketin mi var la piç 😃
[23:07] agreed
[23:07] disagreed!
01[23:07] ahahahahaha
[23:07] kutluk'un atarinin capsi yok mu
01[23:07] AGREED!
[23:08] kutluk ne dedi la
[23:08] 😃
01[23:08] Citizenturk
[23:08] tercume edin
[23:08] asdjkhasjdhaskj
01[23:08] asil bomba orda amk
[23:08] agreed
[23:08] kutluk iyiki sona kalmis amk bastan öyle bi açiklamayla kendimizi kaybedebilirdik hasdusahf 😃
[23:08] agreed
[23:08] 😃😃😃😃
[23:08] abi çok feci atar yaptin lan
[23:08] hdsajdash
[23:08] lan piçler veriyonuzmu capsleri
[23:08] gülek az
[23:08] 😃
[23:08] aminizza koyim dicem, ama örnek olmaya çalisiyorum
[23:08] 😃
[23:08] kutluk atari
[23:08] kornetto_osman:
[23:08] delirdim amklk
[23:08] KutlukBilgeKulKagan: iyi olmus sana ibnetor
[23:08] mute var
[23:08] cevaplari yolluyorum
[23:08] beni banlamistin sen
[23:08] 😃
[23:08] ipnelik yapiyorsunuz
[23:08] kutluk ne dedin la sen
[23:08] tercume et amk
[23:08] amk kutluk baa da mal dedi amk
01[23:08] i dont need food
01[23:08] you lost us
01[23:08] * faucoult (~Mibbit@61A22689.D7FEAF03.1C2687BA.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
01[23:08] i have 28 companies
[23:08] drks😛 ekmek istemedim ben, bak sende istersen
[23:08] beyler kutluk
[23:08] sikeyim onu
[23:09] kutluk delirdi ama
[23:09] ana baci incide
[23:09] girdi
[23:09] ahahaha
[23:09] alexanderhamilton ne ayak ?
[23:09] helalolsun
[23:09] 28 sirketim var
[23:09] ben saksi degilim
01[23:09] robi ahsadhadhashdaha
[23:09] i have 28 companies!!
[23:09] zaaaaaaaaa
[23:09] jkahsklahsdsla
[23:09] saksi degilim
[23:09] haha
[23:09] hahahahhaha
[23:09] beyler haanyus komikti yav
[23:09] u father name? NAMIK
[23:09] gerçek amerigan olsa sikertmistim ama ben sikertildim
[23:09] haanyus biliyodu
[23:09] niye buyuk harfle yazdi
[23:09] anlamadim
01[23:09] beyler
01[23:09] alin
[23:09] lkçmasjldjslaskd
01[23:09] * JamesK sets mode: +v KutlukBilgeKulKagan
01[23:09] You ask questions that you have never known before. First answer this easy question: what year was Statue of Liberty created? and in which country was it created? and why is it gifted for? u know? i think no.
01[23:09] if you want to help inci, just help, dont ask noob question. did we ask any question about Turkey to you to Vote for Glove?
01[23:09] KutlukBilgeKulKagan you waited very long for this my friend
01[23:09] i wont act like a student to get help. it is without honour. as i said, if you want to help, just help as a thank you. you push inci away with what you are doing now.
01[23:09] JamesK: i deserved to say this
01[23:09] btw, if you want Q5 Tank, if you really need, i give it free
01[23:09] i wont ask questions
[23:10] 😃
[23:10] ahldkjahskjdhas
[23:10] jajaja
[23:10] ahsduahsfuasf
[23:10] beyler haanyus babasinin ismini niye buyuk harfle yazdi
[23:10] KutlukBilgeKulKagan: helal
[23:10] 😃
[23:10] anlamadim amk
[23:10] hahaha
[23:10] makale amk makale 😃
[23:10] xaxaxaxa
[23:10] sikertmis
[23:10] 😃
[23:10] amk piçler o an kutluktan isteseydik ekmek verirlerdi
[23:10] bursali elemanda bombaydi lan
[23:10] 😃
[23:10] adam spartacus amk köle isyani baslatcakmis az daha
[23:10] expolive
[23:10] bursali eleman kamera saakasi ya amk
[23:10] 😃
[23:10] bursali da fenaydi lan
[23:10] hahaha
01[23:10] 😃
[23:10] texas dedik ya
[23:10] yeni capsler kutluk panpa inci kanalinda atarlanirken
[23:10] bursali çok iyiydi ya
[23:10] 😃
[23:10] u from texas
[23:10] o cok komikti
[23:10] haha
[23:11] önce güldüm
[23:11] lan en güzeli expolive'inkiydi
[23:11] sonra bastim eksiyi
[23:11] çok saglamdi o
03[23:11] * sarkant (cgiirc@43F6A62F.52612980.A3E6B642.IP) has left #usa-forinci
01[23:11] aynen festoz 😃
[23:11] lan ne mal adamlar var
01[23:11] adam bursali 😃
[23:11] bir kisi
[23:11] whois cekseydi
[23:11] yarra yerdik
[23:11] haha
[23:11] kimse akil etmedi a.k
02[23:11] * +cccinciyarakoscc (cgiirc@117B7825.805B629D.F8FDB8FC.IP) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[23:11] aynen
[23:11] kutlukbilgekulkagan
01[23:11] Citizenturk koskocaman çekti panpa
[23:11] panpa agir trollsün
01[23:11] bana pm geldi saolsun
[23:11] olm ben uyandim da ses etmedim
[23:11] ultramarines kanallarina bile girdik çakmasinlar diye😃
[23:11] 😃
[23:11] efendim sisisi
[23:11] onu ben ikna ettim
01[23:11] bozmadi 😃
[23:11] takdir ettim
03[23:11] * gelbabaya (~Mibbit@C26856D2.7D412BA9.FD37C86B.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
[23:11] 😃
[23:11] iyi siktik iyi 😃
[23:11] makale geliyor
03[23:12] * Lu (cgiirc@67B2A5FC.F0DB6C79.6B6949E2.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
[23:12] SellaTurcica noldu?????????????
[23:12] citizenturk
[23:12] expolive'inki var mi
03[23:12] * Lu (cgiirc@67B2A5FC.F0DB6C79.6B6949E2.IP) has left #usa-forinci
[23:12] aq gülmekten isiyodum lan altima
01[23:12] faucoult arada adin geçmistir panpa loglari kopyalarken
[23:12] beyler verin de gülelim
[23:12] ok
[23:12] var hepsi var
03[23:12] * NaturalSexy (cgiirc@8AB5A199.9CFCCF45.70349C6D.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
[23:12] loglari koyacam toptan
[23:12] amk benimkii kisa sürdü amk
[23:12] asjdkhasjd
[23:12] niye attiniz beni hemen
[23:12] bursali geliyo 1mb amk
[23:12] olm keske
[23:12] hayda
02[23:12] * kornetto_osman (cgiirc@7E5F8879.19D3C794.D82428E4.IP) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[23:12] özet plz.
[23:12] loglar yok
[23:12] beyler mirctan giren varsa
[23:12] loglari atsin birine
[23:13] 31 years old, Istanbul Inci university demeseydim
[23:13] ahahahaha
01[23:13] Citizenturk bende var alayi
[23:13] sella makale ac
[23:13] capslarida verem sana
[23:13] sellaturcica kaydet panpa
[23:13] onlarida koy
[23:13] beyler #tc ye bugün saldirmadik 😃
[23:13] lan ne guldum ya amk ananizi sikim
01[23:13] festoz kayitli zaten panpa
[23:13] faucoult teknik ve sa as sikertmelerini
[23:13] yaptik lan
01[23:13] Citizenturk makaleyi sen açarsin panpa
[23:13] bursali elemana 60 usd atin
01[23:13] ben önemli kisimlari atayim sana
[23:13] im forum bursa i'll fuck everywhere
[23:13] sella loglari upload et
[23:13] im forum bursa i'll fuck everywhere
[23:13] im forum bursa i'll fuck everywhere
[23:13] at bana
[23:13] im forum bursa i'll fuck everywhere
01[23:13] tamam Citizenturk
01[23:13] upload sitesi verin
[23:14] forum xaxa
01[23:14] ahahahahahaha
[23:14] ahahahahhahaha
[23:14] IBRETLIK A.K
[23:14] 😃
[23:14] kjahdad
[23:14] asdasdasygfasyugauysf
[23:14] dedi ya
03[23:14] * +festoz (cgiirc@2F10521F.931119C7.1C9CB455.IP) has left #usa-forinci
[23:14] veriom
[23:14] bursa motor
[23:14] benm bu travestiyle alakam yok söyleyin
[23:14] 😃
03[23:14] * festoz (cgiirc@2F10521F.931119C7.1C9CB455.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
03[23:14] * ChanServ sets mode: +o festoz
[23:14] verdim sukuyu amk
[23:14] onun capsini aldinizmi
[23:14] onur kjahad
[23:14] bursa cocuguyum heryerde sikisirim ben
[23:15] vidyorlz
[23:15] Ill fuck everywhere
[23:15] i'll fuck everywhere!!!
[23:15] olm benm bu travestiyle alakam yok dedi onun capsi yoksa ölün 😃
[23:15] asadds
[23:15] SellaTurcica
[23:15] 😃😃😃:😃😃
[23:15] 😃
[23:15] citizenturk
[23:15] aq
[23:15] abi adam saka ya
[23:15] alkdhlskdhad
[23:15] vardir amk olmaz mi
[23:15] o kisim var di mi lan
[23:15] aklsjdkasd
[23:15] travestiyle alakam yok dedigi kisim var di mi
[23:15] loglarin tumu var sellada
[23:15] makale acacam
[23:15] top rateda sokacam
[23:15] amk
[23:15] hea tamam :d
[23:15] sok amk
[23:16] robi
[23:16] tinypic 'e yükleyin
[23:16] imageshack kurbaga amk
[23:16] domain unregistered diyo a.k
[23:16] tinypice yükle aynen
[23:16] beyler amk size bisi soracam
[23:16] full loglari gogil dokuman yapmak lazim
01[23:16] Citizenturk la ben bi ara çiktim
[23:16] harbi bbrazzers account kimsede yoh mu lan
01[23:16] o bursa kismi kopuk biraz
[23:16] hayda
01[23:16] sizin adama linki gösterdiginiz kisim
03[23:17] * KKoskocaman (cgiirc@2E2F648E.EC7AD006.9960520E.IP) has left #usa-forinci
[23:17] olmadi simdi 😃
[23:17] antiocha sana harbiyeyi soraaktim ayikirsin diye sormadim
[23:17] beyler bu banlardan kurtulmanin bir yolu var mi??
[23:17] aga benim alakam yok kismi yokmu
03[23:17] * has_thisfire (cgiirc@7D13549B.5325CDDF.2DCDACC4.IP) has joined #usa-forinci
[23:18] amk sindi isin içinde bohluk olduu belliydi
[23:18] beyler
[23:18] ilk basta ben geldim kanala
[23:18] sindi az çoh çaktim sikerun
[23:18] mutedliyddim
[23:18] nedeni neydi amk
[23:17] abi bir de
06[23:17] * killanmis son sikisi buraya koydum lan
[23:17] dick mick neydi iste
[23:18] ona nick degis yapiyordunuz
06[23:18] * killanmis son sikisi buraya koydum lan benim alakam yokta var amk
[23:18] festoz: sana baya sövdüm panpa
[23:18] kusura bakma
[23:18] yedim amk
[23:18] :/
[23:18] ashajss
[23:18] ankaragucumegidiyor olsun panpa hakkin vardi 😃
[23:19] cevap veremedim çakmayin diye
[23:19] aq piçi
[23:19] mute niye verdin lan
[23:19] gugil amcadan bakip