[NBeS] This Election, The Party is Growing and An Interview with Luna!

Day 1,752, 10:40 Published in Sweden Sweden by Veritatem


-Party Growth
-This Election
-Speech to the Nation
-An Interview, Starring: Luna

Party Growth

Dear Beloved subjects.
Im Proud when i Say this... But we've managed to increase the number of followers. with 150%!!
In The Beggining, we were only 2 members, Ma4num and me... (Ma4num isn't a brony, just a newfag!) :3

Now some moar people have joined us, such as:
-Darling do Well. (Love your name Man!)
-Menignen. (Huge Mjauu)
-Swedenroos. (For Celestiaaaa!!! :3)

And According to my Calculations, 5/2*100= 150 = 150%
(Ain't im a Genius?!?!?!?!)

This Election

Ok, this President thing went well, we got 9 votes which is equal to 2,54% of the votes... voted?

We are hoping to get better results next month. (If we Don't Choose to Spport another Candidate)

And as allways, Newfags and Bronies and other trolls are welcome to this party. 😉

Speech to the Nation
Ya'll think Ah' Can speak to the tar'nation?
Then your wrong, Ah' Cant!

But if i so chose, then it would be bout' 20% Cooler than all the other "speeches" made today! 😕

An Interview, Starring: Luna

this is a Fictional Interview, not a real one... The Interviewer's name will be "V" whilst Luna is just... Luna, ok!?

OMFG, Luna is huge... (Not in that way... you silly!)

V: Ok Luna, are you ready?

Luna: YES...

V: Whuuut??!?! o.0


V: Can you... take it a little easy with the royal canterlot voice?

Luna: LIke tHIs?

V: No, Try harder!

After lots of trying and failing we finaly succeded in bringing Luna's Voice down a few Notch.

V: So alright, shall we start?

Luna: Yes.

V: So as you may know, I am NBeS PR-Guy, And also the current Party

Luna: Yes, We were quite aware of that.

V: Shall we begin with some small questions?
*Luna Nods*
Ok, What do you think of the name "National Bronies of eSweden"?

Luna: Well, we are happy for thy, that thy finaly made a party to honor the
But the name could have been more... Subtile, I Could give a few
advices. For an example:
-The New Lunar Republik

V: Why Do you think that?

Luna: Because, You may not have frightend away some players, that doesn't
wish to be acosiated with "Bronies" and Then It Would be a better
choice to have something only "Bronies" Know of... Fanon.
As i know of, The "New Lunar Republik" is a resistance force against
the "Solar Empire" with Celestia at the lead. which means of course Im
the Leader of "New Lunar Republik".

V: Interesting... Well, what do you think of our Policy?

Luna: It's Nice, it's only one thing that bothers me...
The part where you give away bonuses to Managers, based on how much
they Have Produced... How exactly were you planning on collecting this

V: Well, Usualy it's me asking the Questions... But what the hey.
Ok, So As some of us may be aware of, we got a lot of Tax-money in
eSweden, we were planning to Raise the Tax... Maybe just a bit...
Maybe a total of 25%.
And The taxes gathered would pay for the "bonuses"

Luna: Ah, then that's Cleared out of the way... I think the Overall Policy
is quite the Charm!

V: Ok, One Last question, then five quick ones? *Note to reader, you have
a Dirty Mind.

How good, did i Illustrate your personality in this article?
And Who Do you think I should Interview next?

Luna: I think It's quite hard to Illustrate me, Because the only 100%
failsafe way of doing that is to use the: "ROYA..."

V: YES! we know...

Luna: And Who you should inteview next?
Cheerilee, She might help you with the "Educational Program" and how
to Improve it!

V: Well thank you Luna for comming here.
I Really like your mane.

Luna: Thank you for the compliment. and it was fun being here!

Lunas 5 Quikie!
Not Safe For work/Not safe for Woona
Kaos/Björnfot (this Question was answered by Silence)

*NOTE: I tried to make the dialouge look nice in the article, but it's Darn hard!*

*And If Either Kaos or Björnis reads this, it was just a fun thing, hope you wont get mad.* 🙂

Mjauuu, Katt med Svans! :3