~My Two Cents~

Day 172, 16:03 Published in Japan Pakistan by WaseemK

The Japan Times has officially reached the no.5 spot in most subsribers in Japan, Wooot!

My Two Cents:

My understanding is that there is no coercion in any religion to force their faith on the followers of other faith, it is certainly not in Islam but some religious zealots, sadly found in every religion, distort and misrepresent the religion to serve their own personal agenda even though they wear the religion on their sleeves. Ideologues who argue against it should be outlawed as troublemakers, because all they do is breed hatred towards one another.

The timeless argument that my God is better than your God is going to continue till the end of times so in the greater interest of world peace the ideologues who brainwash their congregation should be given three chances to clean up their act or else face harsh consequences. Freedom of religion or speech ends when it creates discord or, segregates a community on issues that can never be resolved.

Live and let live should be the motto with religious freedom for all and that should be guarded with iron clad rule to protect the life of millions. The ideologues and religious fanatics, who incite people with insidious sermons to hate anyone who disagrees with their perception of religion, actually don’t care about human lives, an attitude that is in conflict with the basic premises of ANY religion. They quote out of context from their religious books to brainwash impressionable minds as well as adults to build a community within a community and pit one against each other, all in the name of religion and in the name of God. These are parasites who have no respect for humanity or for their Creator; these people should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
