[MoSA] Time to get some friends ;)

Day 1,375, 08:29 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by hamis11

Hi all guys ,
Pakistan is completely conquered right now and we're fighting for independence.
(Want to end this)?

There is a way !

HOW ?:
Simple !
recruit your friends , family members (DO NOT MAKE MULTIS)
There are ways to do that !:
1:Invite your friends from social sites such as FB.
2:Post referral links on forums and websites . On which you dont get banned , dont blame us if you get banned 😉 .
3:If you can use money (a bit) Advertise eRepublik PAKSITAN .

Always remember :
To give your referral link , it will benefit you ! .

It will give us fighters , buyers , our economy will grow , we can defend our land better , we will make a BIGGER BETTER PAKISTAN !

Best of Luck
Your MoSA