[MoS] IRC: Frequently Asked Questions

Day 1,023, 08:43 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by cooldude97

Okay, If you don't know how to go on IRC, here you go:

+ Then scroll down to Rizon where it says IRC

+ change your nick to your username on eRepublik

+ type #eSwitzerland where it says Channel

+ click go

Here are pictures for anyone who doesn't understand English (you never know)

Okay, now that you're on the IRC, here are some rules:
+ No Russian
+ Communist - Fascist arguements are discouraged
+ Renouille is God - He has OP
+ If Biday is on IRC, HE is God
+ If Biday is on IRC, Greet him with 'Salutations, prophet of :noel:'
+ Clifford is a Quisling; don't listen to him
+ If your RL country fought the Croatians, stay away from Lukamancro
+ Eleriel is awesome
+ Do not beg for OP, you won't get it; trust me T_T

+ If I say wazzup, answer!

Remember, if you need help with anything, just PM me 😃


Minister of Solidarity