[MoP] Press Release - Day 2128

Day 2,128, 19:47 Published in Canada Canada by Acacia Mason


Looking Back

The current sitting government entered this term on the heels of just returning from a wipe, with no tangible alliance, and a need to establish foreign relations with new and old flames. There were higher taxes than we would have liked, and little to no prospects for us to be any sort of player on the world stage. Food related prices were low, and that light you saw at the end of the tunnel was just a sliver of hope. There was much to be done, and only 4 weeks in which to do it.

Looking Around

In the course of the last week and change, the government has drastically reduced taxes and created a tax holiday for all eCanadians. This tax holiday could not have come at a better time, and one would almost think the government had a crystal ball and could foresee the coming Epic Warfare tournament that caused FRM and Food prices in general to skyrocket. This has certainly made food producers very happy as the combination of low taxes and inflated food prices have made some savvy players, very rich. Like any market however, there is bound to be a crash, but the positive news is that with the reduced taxes, the crash in eCanada will mean a much softer landing for eCanadian business owners, in comparison to many of their counterparts in the eWorld. Score one for the government on this one, the tax holiday could not have been delivered at a more opportune time.

As everyone knows, politics in game is a fickle creature, and the plans of even a few days ago can quickly shift based on the prevailing winds of international affairs. In short, situations change rapidly and having a government that is nimble in its operation is critical in obtaining both long term and short term success. We have all heard the analogy about fiddling while Rome burns…this government has no designs on fiddling. All of this to lead up to a conversation about the decision to join CoT on a trial basis as a new alliance partner.

The fact is, the CoT summit meeting occurs every 10th of the month and President DMV3 did not have the luxury of waiting on a formal referendum in order to decide what course of action to take. Instead, Party and MU leaders were consulted, along with Cabinet and advisors. The decision was made to put our name forward for trial membership. The key thing to note here is the word “Trial”. This is a look see period. We are not locked into staying long term and neither are the other members of CoT locked in to keeping us. This is an “Engagement” period…were not married to this alliance yet. The other thing to remember here is that remaining neutral was not really an option. We are simply not strong enough to stand on our own, and the only thing keeping us from being wiped yet again is an NAP that ultimately could be rescinded at any time without our consent, leaving us alone, and exposed again. Although there are no guarantees from CoT, it is a lot better than having nothing at all, especially with TWO pressing their way along the map. By joining CoT on a trial basis, we get a chance to see if this is right for us, while also leaving our doors open to alliance discussions with other countries. Aside from CoT, the only other alternative we have would have been TWO, and given that eCanada has NEVER affiliated with PEACE/PHOENIX/ONE/TWO, it is hard to imagine we would ever consider such an alliance as an option. In short, an opportunity to explore a trial alliance was presented and required action. To not act would have meant being on the outside looking in for another 30 days. As stated earlier, this government has no intention of fiddling while eCanada burns.

On a separate note, a new piece of legislation is being debated in Congress and I will present it here for your enjoyment:

Article VI: Congressional Transparency

1. In order to maintain communication with the citizens of eCanada while maintaining security of sensitive information Congress shall be divided into two sections: Open Door Congress which is viewable by all Canadians and Closed Door Congress which is not viewable to the general public.

2. No citizen may view or post in Closed Door Congress aside from elected Congressmen, the Country President, and any other appointed Government officials. All information in Closed Door Congress is considered classified and any individual who reproduces any of its content will be temporarily banned from Congress and may have this ban made permanent pending a Congressional vote.

3. Subjects to be included in Closed Door Congress may include but are not limited to:
a) new alliances;
b) strategic defense system and hospital placement;
c) declarations of war and peace proposals;
d) war strategy, attacks, and battles;
e) any other information deemed to be of a classified nature.

4. Discussions in Closed Door Congress may be moved to Open Door Congress upon the consent of the Speaker and the President. Any topic that has not received a new comment for over two months may be declassified without explicit consent unless otherwise specified by the Speaker or President.

5. Any discussion in Open Door Congress may be moved to Closed Door Congress if the subject matter is deemed to be of a classified nature.

6. Alliance Changes: Any alliance change that does not receive a minimum of 65% approval must be put up as a referendum for a voting and discussion period of 48 hours. The public will be provided with any information that the President and Speaker do not deem sensitive in nature.

Discussion remains ongoing in Congress on this proposal and updates will be provided as they become available.

Looking Ahead

The next several weeks will be telling. With a trial membership in CoT underway, time will truly tell as to whether this alliance makes sense for us as a whole. There is no easy solution to the Spanish occupation. It seems more and more likely that diplomacy and tact will be the pillars on which any sort of release of our regions will be accomplished. Failing that, in a browser game such as this, there is really only one other option, but that is an option for another government to consider unless our situation takes a drastic turn and this government is presented with an opportunity to exercise other options.

Our tax holiday continues and so the fortunes of eCanadians, financially anyway, should continue to be rosy. It would be wise to continue to stockpile financial resources and use those resources to continue to level up and build strength. The only way we are ever going to be strong enough to fight our own battles, is if we make a concerted effort to spend our resources wisely and invest in individual development in game.

The road ahead still has some challenges to overcome, but that sliver of light at the end of the tunnel, mentioned earlier, is quickly becoming a larger and stronger ray of light. Perseverance will be the way forward and this government is ready, willing, and able.

Yours In National Unity,

Acacia Mason
Minister Of Propaganda & Press Secretary