[MoMC] Vote. Or the Giant Bugs of eRep will getcha.

Day 1,648, 00:10 Published in India India by ArawnLives

Ladies and Gentlemen of eIndia,

The Congress elections are here again! Please remember, your vote is important. Do take the time out to vote for any candidate you wish to, this is your right and your privilege.

A short advisory that I think will make things easier/better -

The important thing is to vote responsibly.
But what does that mean?
Don't vote for people who promise you gold/weapons/INR to vote

Corruption is an endemic problem; yet, while we all constantly complain about it, we're less than likely to take our own stand. Remember, there is absolutely NO reason to vote merely on the basis of some cash award being given to you. Most people who do this are either out for the 5 gold the medal will give them - or worse still, are merely after the citizenship passes because this is an attempted PTO. Please try and avoid falling for these tricks.

Any in-game PM or IRC message that you get a hold of promising you weapons, gold or INR for a vote - if you send it to me and allow me to publish it, I shall give a reward for each such dirty candidate caught to the whistleblowers

Come onto IRC just the once, and see what's happening before you vote

Make it a point to come onto IRC and ask a Party President, the CP, etc. if there are any particular candidates that should not be voted for. Further, if you are someone inclined towards a political party, you might be interested in knowing where your vote might do the most good for that party. This just makes sense. You can get onto IRC here.

Check the shouts.

Check to see if there is anyone in your friends, your MU or your political party's feed that is giving information that may influence your vote.

That should be it!
So go on, folks. Cast those votes. Have a great election day!

For any announcements (including specific candidates caught cheating, the rewards attached, and any active PTO threats), please continue watching this space!

If you don't, you'll break her heart.

We've caught the first briber, ladies and gentlemen - Anish9500, who voted my shout on the feed, has been mass PMing people offering 300 INR (in some cases, he just said "a gift") for voting for him.

He has done this before - when I first took up this issue, I was a n00b scarcely a few days/a week old, and even then (if you read the comments) he was at it. Read it HERE.

I have paid the whistleblower 300 INR, and I urge others to come forward with more nitwits who are taking recourse to such morally abhorrent tactics. Just ask yourself - is your integrity worth so little? And even then, I will match anyone's bribe offer, so what's the point in skewing the election? Just get the same benefit for doing the right thing.

Also, please don't vote for Anish9500.