[MoMC]- The Great State of Gujarat

Day 1,697, 11:33 Published in India USA by India101

My home state is so beautiful! I truly love it and respect it so much, but some may wonder why is this Patel Sahib (Mr.Patel) writting an article like this? It is in honor of my great GUJARAT.

It's not just dhoklas!

Lets start with culinary food, most people sterotype Gujarati's (people who hail from the state of Gujarat) to be dhokla eaters. Now this isn't true as we don't eat dhoklas that much. Instead our diets usually consist of Dhaar, Chawal, Shabji, and roti, or as we say in Gujarati Dhar, Baat, Shaak, Rotli (Lentils, Rice, Fried Vegetable, and Bread).

Gandhi aur Sardar

As most of you may know Mahatma Gandhi, and Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel played quite a role in India's Independence. Gandhi haliling from Gujarat used the old vedic principle of Ahimsa (Nonviolence) in order to gain Bharat (India) freedom. Sardar Patel hailing from my CITY OF AHMBEDABAD INDIA united all of India. Sardar also played a huge role in shaping modern day India.

International Influence

Gujarati's have gone all around the world and achieved many things. You can mainly call us a business race, as we LOVE TO DO BUSSINESS. Here in USA, 50% of motels and hotels are owned by Indians and of that about 33% are owned by Gujarati's. Also in England, many affluent Gujarati's are there.

PLEASE UNDERSTAND- THis article was not written to show dominance or inferiority it was written to show the greatness of my home state of Gujarat. I will be writing articles on other states, so please check them out. As for the statistics those are all estimates and theyre not 100% accurate.

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