[MoMC] Some eNation that I Used to Know

Day 1,717, 23:00 Published in India India by ArawnLives

Now and then I think of when I joined eRep
Like when we were so awesome that we wiped the Thais,
Told myself that this was so right for me,
But felt so lonely making Q2 companies,
But it's the game and a pain I still remember.

We're all addicts of a certain kind of melancholy,
Like resignation to the trends, always the trends,
So when we found that it would not make sense,
And the eIndos hit against us in the end,
But I'll admit that Iwas glad that it was over.

But this game didn't have to make Q7s,
Make my stocks outdated And make them nothing,
And I don't even need your gold,
But I'm a second class citizen and that feels so rough,
No you didn't have to stoop so low -
Making rockets and divisions and then those stupid offers,Q
I guess I don't need that though;
Now you're just a fun game that I used to know.