[MoHA] Start of new term: april

Day 1,601, 02:10 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Foreign Affairs

Dear eBe citizens

A new election, a new ministry of Home Affairs. This is an introduction to the new cabinet in MoHA, and to give an early update on the first efforts of the team.

The department of immigration is being led by the skillfull under-ministers Procuste and Cotarius. Their work is to control the immigration policy of eBelgium. Therefore, a debate has started in congress to simplify the work of immigration and to make this department more efficient. This has also started to reduce the chances of letting PTO citizens in, who can negatively influence the community of eBelgium. As this job requires a lot of attention; time and work, vice-minister of MoHA, Jonathan Clay, will help to organize things in this department.

Education is also an important part of eBelgium, as this introduces new citizens in the complex world of eRepublik. Due to the (temporarily) shutdown of MaxiHellas, it has become though to see who are the new faces. New tactics have been created to contact them, for example the extra responsibility for the MU commanders to let the MoEd know when there are new recruits. A new extra welcoming message has been created too next to the older automatic welcome message, so new citizens know what to do and who to contact in case of problems. If you want to check this new message or you’re new and didn’t receive one, contact Cooke4444.

The entertainment section is being led by the new face SX80. His task is to keep the MoFUN section on forum going, and to organize the monthly lottery. Check after the 20th till the 29st the lottery section to get a chance to win the prize of 7500 BEF! Also, a new idea is about to be launched, so come to the forum!

This team will be MoHA for this month and is willing to answer all kinds of questions. We hope to fulfill our goals, and to give a regular update on new work.

Minister of Home Affairs and education

Country president of eBelgium