[MoHA] Great Scott! Turn 9

Day 3,792, 03:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mr Woldy

Great Scott!

Welcome to turn 9 of Great Scott!

There’s been a short break over easter but our explorers have chewed down their eggs and put on some cals to endure the freezing temperatures.

This is the penultimate turn of stage 2, and players are reminded that now is the time to write home to win bonus prizes such as harpoon guns, extra explorers and of course… spam.

The current position of our intrepid explorers is such:

2 players missed their turn. Three players opted to take regions. One player claimed the Golden Woldy for all the delicious victory points it gains. Expeditions may have an incentive to attack them and get a chance to take the GW.

The following events occurre😛

Polar Dave - Claimed the Golden Woldy!
Don't forget your COOKer! - Found a canoe, may travel across water.
Wook's Excellent Adventure - Claimed a region.
Big Booty Beaches - Missed their turn.
The Ox Ford Expedition - Found a page of Scott’s Diary, but as the GW has been picked up it cannot reveal it’s location. (Worth 2VP).
3ER expedition - Claimed a region.
Faulty Progress - Claimed a region.
Beaver Patrol - Missed turn.

The reference guides to what these actions or items do for the teams can be found in the rulebook. A team sheet summarises bonuses and items teams have.

Players will now begin turn 10.

Since being appointed King of the eUK I've ran a few charity schemes to encourage newer players to get involved. Feel free to message me for some free stuff if you are level 1-25 and meet any of the following criteria:

Woldy's Urban Achievers - Food and guns rewarded for: Publishing an article; being elected into any position; being awarded any medal; posting on forums.

Royal Writers: 150 GBP for publishing an article and an extra 300 GBP for any article you write that reaches 15 votes. Just message me your article links.

Woldy's Warriors: Start up kit of Guns and food for anyone who feels like they don't pack a big enough punch. Simply message and ask for some boomsticks.
