[MoHA] Government Press Release & Caption Competition

Day 3,743, 11:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

Weekly Press Release - Sunday 18/02/2018.

Good evening all,

It’s sunday night, and that means press release! See below the updates from the Prime Minister and the principal ministers keeping the government ticking over this month.

Prime Minister - Jamesw:
“This past week has been one of headaches and irks, but on the whole positive. It was sad to see one of the people we asked to help out disappear on us, but then it is to be expected. After that, there's tension growing in the foreign affairs world, so I had to deal with that for a while. Then, of course, or 'training war' with the US. I've been glued to the battlefield making sure that the USA aren't overhitting, hunters aren't stealing BHs to a degree where we lose rounds, and generally just trying to keep the whole thing on track by either tanking myself or setting COs.

Then, the biggest headache: messaging. I've done huge messaging jaunts 3 or 4 times since my term started, and it is honestly the most soul destroying thing to have to copy and paste that message 500+ times. The even worse thing, is that your inbox is then clogged up, so not only do you have to send them, you have to then delete them so you can see any earlier messages! But, it's definitely worth it now. Our Discord general chat is up to 60 people, and our strike room just nudged past 40 today. We've got a healthy mix of divisions, but I really cannot stress enough how useful Discord can be for government: and for our war efforts.

Whilst people are annoyed at the TW, ultimately, I think a lot of people are forgetting that whilst it is enforced, the T is training. We can use this opportunity to test how well we mobilise, how well we can react at short notice: we can treat it as a war that we must win, to see just how effective our approach and damage can be. This is where I want to develop over the coming week, and as I go through all the responses to my survey, I hope I'll be able to get daily joint hits up by the end of the week, with two taking place every day. Stuff will start small, but I hope with time as it becomes a normal practice, more and more people will be around to take part.”

Minister of Finance - Huey George:
“Similar to last week the MoF has been recording our daily snapshots of the economy eUK to add to the long-term records, managing our Government and BoE Trust Monetary Market Investments. However, in addition, and in conjunction with the Office of the Country President, a Tutorial: "The basics of owning a business was published." Rewards were administered to parties and military units based on their activity and damage (as directed by the MoD) and some training ground loan provided during yesterday's promotional period.

Our future plans for the rest of the term is to continue with the above and produce 2 guides on the following subjects Trading on the MM and The importance of upgrading training grounds, and why it's a good investment. We will also produce our Routine Public Financial Reports.”

Minister of Foreign Affairs - Aaron Mark Daniels:
“Getting articles done. Talking to Switzerland and other nations. Mostly just supporting Janes in his work.”

Minister of Defence - Dave Trenga:
“So over the past week, we have given out the first reqards to MUs for highest Air Damage. We have also released some articles with Daily orders.

On Sunday we successfully held a national strike event, hosted by myself. This weekend, attendance was up and the presence on Discord made it an enjoyable and effective Strike.”

Minister of Home Affairs - Mr Woldy:
“A number of things have been going on this week. Chiefly, Great Scott! Has been running, with (hopefully) masses of enthusiasm from participants and at least some interest from the wider public. Additionally, the caption competition has been judged, and the return of the Royal Quiz is being planned as a large Discord event at the end of the month. A Spam round has been organised with questions set by Horice; but the quiz will be a standard pub quiz based on General Knowledge and Music questions. Teams of up to 3 will be invited to apply next week.

The Government’s media presence has been encouraged, and I’ve been working on two projects to be released by the end of the month. Firstly, a new player guide to consolidate guides already released this month and to guide people through their first days (this is currently sat in draft form with some new players to determine how useful it would actually have been to them!). Secondly, the launch of a mentoring program. These two things will hopefully form the background of our Start Message and help guide newer players during their starting up; and hopefully carry on the massive momentum Jamesw has managed to drum up with getting people on Discord.”

Caption Competition!

Last weeks Caption Competition saw contributors remarking on Britain’s leading papist, and the three winners of 500GBP are: JiminyChristmas, Michael Ludgate, and Horice G Fossil. Refer back to the previous press release to see their captions.

I told you it was easy money!

This week, captions are needed for the following picture:

Same prize, 500GBP for the top 3 captions.

Give it a go, there are no wrong answers!

For other eUK games, keep an eye open for turns of [url=]Great Scott![/url], although you’ve missed sign up you can still revel in how the expeditions are getting on. In a couple of turns, they’ll be vying for support from the public for special items so keep an eye open for that too.

Additionally, I’m pleased to announce the return of The Royal Quiz, which will take place on 04/02. Teams of 4 can join me on discord for a traditional pub quiz. Think about who you want to bring as running mates and watch out for the sign up sheet in next weeks press release.

Remember to help the MoHA’s media presence - shout this article to your parties, MU’s and friends!
Thanks for reading,
Mr Woldy.