[MoG] Free Games of Weeks 13 and 14

Day 1,395, 19:45 Published in Japan USA by Kaige X

Surprisingly, today I found out I'm still Minister of Gaming. No problem.

I'm done moving, I have internet to use, some spare time, and a couple games some friends of ours have given me for all of you.

So I've decided to catch up and combine what would have been last week's freebie with this week's into a collective package and get it out to the public as soon as possible.

Rise of the Colony (suggested by hive_cluster) is a defense style game meant to protect colonists from imminent danger from marauding spaceships.

Red (suggested by Erumaron) is a shooter-defense type of game meant to keep yourself from getting wiped out by large spherical objects.

As always, due to people with no sense of entertainment value, the true articles are posted on the astonishingly legit eJapan forums.

Rise of the Colony - http://nipponblog.net/showthread.php?t=3568

Red - http://nipponblog.net/showthread.php?t=3569

Check them out, give feedback, and enjoy.

Happy gaming,
