[MoFA] Why, hello there!

Day 936, 13:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by coram_boy
Greetings, salutations, and so on – I’m Coram_boy, this month’s Minister for Foreign Affairs. The coming month will be a busy one, and I hope that I’ll be able to serve you all well on the world stage. Over the course of the month, the Ministry will be releasing reports that’ll tell you some of what we’ve been getting up to this month; so I thought I’d tell you who the team is this month, as well as a little bit of what the ministry’s about.

IRC – the departmental keystone
It’s important to understand that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is based predominantly on the IRC channels, with our hub being the #eukfa channel (come and visit some time 😃). It’s here that much of the most interesting and important stuff for the department happens; almost every chat I have with my foreign counterparts will be on IRC (which sadly I won't be able to talk about). It’s where the Cabinet will meet, where PHOENIX and EDEN discuss policy; in short, if you want to make it big in eRepublik, it’s the place to be. It’s also where much of our ambassador’s business will come into play, which brings me nicely on to the topic of embassies.

Ferrerro Rocher and Champagne


This month will see a partial return to the embassy system that has been used in previous months. The ministry’s team of Ambassadors will be travelling round the world, foraging facts from forums, frequenting foreign IRC channels, and so on, in their quest to build up relations with other countries and get to know the people there. Each ambassador has been assigned three countries to deal with this month; I’ll tell you a little about the team now.

Indiekid – Head Ambassador. Indie organizes the embassies, and acts as my right hand man in all ambassador related affairs. Contact me or him if you have any questions about ambassadorial affairs 😃
Blandman – Underminister. Blandman is my faithful lackey this month; he will take my position whenever there's official business and I'm away.

The Ambassadors

not those ones...
We’ve got a lot of ambassadors this month – a grand total of 16 spread across the globe. They’re the UK’s messengers around the world, and you’ll hear more from them in the reports that we’ll be publishing around the month.

So, the whole team is:

I’ve given everyone jurisdiction over 3 countries each because I’d both like to talk to as many people as possible over this month, and also because, cruel as I am, I like to push people >😃.

World Affairs
Although I’ll be writing more in depth about world affairs in later articles, I thought that I’d give you some information on the topic that is currently dominating the stage; the Russian situation. Russia, at present, face a dilemma; they have a war against the USA open with 16 MPPs against them, comprising most of EDEN and the Brolliance. The reason for this is due to an impeachment attempt by a hostile congressman; a little sheep voting later, and it appeared as if their president, HankScorpio, was going to be impeached. Incensed at this unfairness, he tried to get his revenge by attacking China, Finland, and the USA. This activated a crapload of MPPs against Russia. The result of this is yet to be seen, but the UK should be ready to help our ally in any way we can.

Thanks for reading - I hope this has been informative 😃