[MoFA-eIndia]Interview World Leader #5 - Don Care Leone the Shining Leader

Day 3,012, 10:58 Published in India Norway by Eraclev
Greeting Prosperity to all People around the world, this is Final edition of my first program Interview eWorld Leader, today we will learn from current CP of Indonesia namely Don Care Leone


Muhammad Jahust Jarzani
Don Care Leone[/i]

Don Care leone is current President of eIndonesia. He is the first President of eIndonesia that become president of eIndonesia for 4 times from one party. He's very good leader and the leader of USA Operations. President that signed NAP with USA.and thats why i chosed him as one of 5 CP that i included in world leader program

: Please make an introduction about who Don Care Leone is, and Could you tell us something more about you in RL ? and if possible include your RL photo
: Dom Care Leone is one player who knows eRepublik eRepindo since late 2012. Don Care Leone is one of the few accounts, which was owned at the beginning of his acquaintance with the eRepublik. Accounts Don Care Leone focuses on Military and Social Relations Between Players in the World.

Behind Don Care Leone which account named Mohammed Jahus Jarzani, usually called Jahus.

The first child of 2 brothers. Status on the RL's married life since my age to 23 years. I am not an enthusiast like any other game, a game that I am interested only eRepublik and PES / Playstation (Football). My hobbies are watching movies, both the Box Office or Series and also dabbling in particular Automotive World Motorcycles.

: What were your reasons for becoming a president ? and how can you gain the highest political achievement in eRepublik at Indonesia??

: My goal became President of Indonesia at this time is simply to escort eIndonesia politics both inside and outside the country so it is not a dead faint. A little more care of direction eIndonesia in the arena of the World.

I could have served as President for the 4th time, two times in a row is certainly on the trust of the people of Indonesia. With the help of friends, of which one party or different parties. Convincing all the Indonesian people that I will always be there.

: In your personal opinion, who are the closest Allies of eIndonesia? And the worst enemy? What future do you see in the relationship between our countries?
: There are several friendly countries. One of them is Macedonia where the Indo - Macedonia is the first country that is inseparable characterized LIGAP. Not to forget there are also some other friendly countries that often helps eIndonesia, including Bulgaria, Chile and most recently, namely India. 4 Country's best friend eIndonesia today.

EIndonesia biggest enemy is any country that tried to invade or colonize eIndonesia absence of good faith to do political diplomacy.

I hope the Good Relations between eIndonesia - eIndia getting better and always intertwined for the future.

: In this month what is the Netherland government will focus on, and what is goal for this month?
: There are some points
- Fight for Ally
- Take Care The Babies
- Plan if the NAP with the USA can not be renewed

Is to be achieved and helps enliven back Trying eRepindo Community.

: What eNetherland traditional dish and song you would recommend to eWorld citizen?
Foo😛 Bakso, Fried Rice, Rawon, Rendang, Soto and many others.

Song: Andra and The Backbone: Sempurna, Mabuk Kepayang
PeterPan / Noah: Tak Bisa Kah, Hero


: What is your personal opinion about eIndia ?
: India namely the state great and extraordinary.
In real life I love India since elementary school.

: What would you recommend or say to the Indian society and last spirit world for us and eWorld?
: First of all I want to say thank you for your help last few months, endlessly the citizien eIndia help eIndonesia. There was no word other than the word Thank Much. And I hope that this relationship will continue.
Words of encouragement: Learn Something valuable and useful of these Games for the life of your RL.


Because Don Care Leone can't solve my riddle, so i will give it to you. If you can solve this riddle you will get 7500 cc from Indian government

Suddenly I woke up. My head is a bit dizzy. I wonder where I am. I saw I was just being in a room. I am not alone; 4 other people who still did not realize. In front of me there was only a box and on top there's only TV hanging above.
I saw it woke up to 4 people. They also looked confused as I was. Then the TV was on, "Bzzzpp .."

I noticed a horrible mask and he said, "Hello everyone, I want to play. Did you know the human body has five liters of blood. Look at the box in front of you, the box can hold 15 liters Make a box was filled If you want to get out of this place. HAHAHAHAHA ..."

Then the TV went dead.
Needless to explain I already know what he meant. I and the people next to me nodded. It seemed like we had the same thoughts With bothered us both killed to 3 others. Then their blood we enter into that box until it is full.

Some time after the box was full of a door is open.
I'm sorry for what I did ..


Clue : 🙂 no need clue you can think it by yourself read the last words

Minister of Foreign Affair of eIndia