[MoFA] Do you want to become ambassador?

Day 919, 15:31 Published in Norway Norway by Norwegian Consulate
On various occasions, we have tried to get our ambassador program to get up and running. With a relatively small active population like eNorway has, it is hard to recruit citizens who are not already involved with congress or governmental work, running businesses, etc. However, the important role of keeping our communication with and knowledge about the rest of the world can not be underestimated. So we try again!

The Norwegian embassy in Helsinki - your new home?

Current status
The law about eNorway's ambassador program in Lovsamlingen outlines the duties of the ambassadors:
§4 Lov om Norges ambassadør program
The law is rather ambitious, and since the program has only worked sporadically during the last months, I think that starting in one end is the best path to travel.

Vice MoFA Yan Hoek has done an exceptional job in gathering info about various countries, so we have a good list with addresses to national forums etc. Now we need people who can represent us towards some of these countries and report home with information that may be of interest.

As the law states, the MoFA may hire and fire ambassadors at will, so if you previously have been appointed as ambassador and read this - consider yourself fired. 🙂 But, let me add, feel free to reapply! Our goal is to give a better follow-up on our ambassadors than what has been done lately.

This is how it is going to work
The re-launch of the ambassador program as outlined below will take place from now and until the next presidential elections are concluded on June 6. The next government will then have to decide on how to proceed. For starters, our main goal is to establish live embassies with all our EDEN allies. This means that we need 11 ambassadors.

I will be expecting a weekly update from each ambassador. These reports should contain information about important battles, economy, political life, etc. All appointed ambassadors will receive a check list from me with directions on what to keep an eye on and where to find info. Any additional topics about the various countries an ambassador may wish to add will of course be just fine.

For each week of which the ambassador's work is approved, the ambassador will recieve 1 gold in payment. If the duties are well taken care of, it is work. And work should be paid. During this re-launch phase, this gold will be paid by me personally. I will get back to the congress with a budget proposal if this seems to be a good arrangement.

The reports from around the world will be posted in this newspaper. I am tired of trying to get the erepublik.no admins to give me moderator rights in the International section of the forums.

Who can be an ambassador?
Again, I refer to §4 Lov om Norges ambassadør program. The ambassador is not required to actually move to said country, or even have residence in eNorway. Visiting national forums, subscribing to relevant newspapers and keep a watch on country events will be sufficient to gather the information needed for the weekly reports.

This means that either you are a member of congress, the government, a worker or a company owner, you can become an ambassador to an assigned country. All you have to do is to send Freke an in-game message with your application. This message should contain up to three of the countries listed below that you would like to become ambassador to, in addition to a !! of why you want to become an ambassador and why you would be the right person for the job.

The program may be expanded later, but for now we need ambassadors to these countries:
Bosnia and Herzegovina

All applications must be sumbitted by the end of Friday May 28 eRepublik time, in other words by 09:00 on Saturday morning in Norwegian hours. The appointed ambassadors will be announced on Sunday and we will then have one week until the program can be put under review by the next government.