[外交部 MOFA] D,1575 讯息

Day 1,575, 00:31 Published in China China by Ministry of Foreign Affairs CN


起先,e中国连失两局,局势并不乐观。在第一局中,土耳其玩家 Doom Soldier大力协助,为中国镇压方贡献了100万伤害。而不巧的是,另外两名土耳其玩家,silniy udar 和 turkish80 ,在e巴基斯坦起义方烧了140万。在同样战败的第二局中,又出现了两名土耳其玩家——烧了120万的Caesar II和60万的speed55向我们开火。



由于状况加速恶化,我们在EDEN外交通道发出请求——我们相信e土耳其的主力军将在巴斯利卡塔战役后全力挽救我方局势,但是我们依旧不愿再失去任何一场战斗。幸运的是,我们的诉求迅速地得到了e保加利亚的响应,并受到了他们强大的移动部队的援助。e保加利亚人的到达,迅速稳定了前线局势并入我方所愿地逆转了局势。毫无疑问的,第二局中方的BH是来自e保加利亚的Varkulak,而第三、四局中也有众多的e保加利亚战友在Top5榜中交替出现(如第三局的BH,贡献了139万的Bulg,以及 Black Arch Dragon, malion,Sepultura,saks77等)。

在第二局中发生的另外一件重要的事情是,尽管巴斯利卡塔的恶战还没有结束,e土耳其的强力大坦克Lord Vaako出现在了中方战场上。与此同时,我们注意到起义方的e土耳其人开始逐渐变少。第三局,另一位e土耳其强力大坦克cankush,也加入了中方镇压起义。事实表明,e土耳其政府有效介入了枪章党造成的纷争,并让一切恢复正常平静。

我们完全理解,玩家对于枪章的不倦追求——尽管偶尔这会对他们的盟友造成困扰。然而,第三第四局发生的一切表明,政府通过有效手段能够很大限度地调解枪章党对盟友造成的伤害——或像e保加利亚一样输送移动部队协助防御,或像e土耳其一样请有着重大影响力的玩家(如大坦克Lord Vaako)为我方输出,以表明姿态。



o7 Bulgaria!
o7 Turkey!

The RW in Punjab was won by eChina with a lot of support from our allies, who brought their very valuable contribution during the hours where most of the Chinese players were asleep.

The first two rounds were lost by eChina, and the situation didn’t look good at all.

During the first round, eChina was helped by the Turkish player Doom Soldier, who put in 1 million points of influence on our side. The problem was two other Turkish players, silniy udar and turkish80 had contributed with a total of 1.4 million points on the side of Pakistan.

During the second round, which was also lost, two additional Turkish players fought against us: Caesar II, with 1.2 million and speed55, with 600,000.

We knew eTurkey is a friend and an ally and we assumed the massive Turkish tanking against us was the result of some rivalries among players who were chasing medals. But even if the tanking wasn’t hostile in intent, it was damaging eChina just the same.

So we contacted the government of eTurkey before the second round was over, explained the situation and asked for support on our side, in order to restore the balance.

As expected, the Turkish president offered his full support for the next rounds. The only problem was that at that time the Turkish army was almost entirely tied up in the battle against FYROM, in the Italian province of Basilicata. However he promised to come up with a solution for the mean time.

Since the situation was deteriorating fast we issued an appeal on the EDEN Foreign Affairs channel. We trusted the Turkish army will eventually come to the rescue after the Battle of Basilicata would be over, but we couldn’t afford to lose anymore rounds.

Luckily our appeal was promptly answered by eBulgaria, who sent a very strong mobile corps to our rescue. The Bulgarians’ arrival stabilised the front and started to turn the course of battle in our favor. There was no wonder that the Battle Hero on China side for the 2nd round was the Bulgarian Varkulak, with other Bulgarians constantly being present in the Top 5 during the 3rd and 4th rounds (Bulg, with 1.39 million, Battle Hero for the 3rd round, Black Arch Dragon, malion, Sepultura, saks77).

Another important thing happened during the 2nd roun😛 even though the battle of Basilicata wasn’t over yet, the very powerful Turkish tank Lord Vaako also showed up on the Chinese side, while on the other side we started to see less and less Turks fighting for Pakistan. Then in the 3rd round, another powerful Turkish player joined the Chinese side, cankush. It was becoming clear that the Turkish government’s intervention among the medal hunters has been effective and things were returning back to normal.

We are fully aware that people have fun chasing medals even when sometimes this creates problems for their allies. However the events of the 3rd and 4th round showed the governments can help mitigate the damage done by medal hunting either by sending strong mobile forces, like Bulgaria did, or by sending a very influential player in their community, who also happens to be a powerful tank (Lord Vaako) in order to make a point.

We were also pleased that the Bulgarians and the Turks fought on the same side. This is how it should happen, so EDEN can benefit from the contribution of both.

So one more time, thank you very much Bulgaria and thank you very much Turkey, we greatly appreciate your help! We look forward to support you in your battles, during those rounds happening on our prime time, which is late at night in your time zone.

o7 Bulgaria!
o7 Turkey!

For more details on that battle, check this link

The eChinese MoFA team of March 2012:

Samuel KANG