[外交部 MOFA] D,1570 讯息

Day 1,570, 09:23 Published in China China by Ministry of Foreign Affairs CN

[English version below the Chinese text]














The first major issue of foreign policy for the month of March is bringing the calm back inside our alliance, after the Bulgarian - Turkish conflict of last month.

Fortunately both sides eventually realised that escalating the crisis would only benefit our common enemies. So this month they are more open to a negotiated solution.

Also fortunately China was not involved in the last decision, which only managed to insult and infuriate both Bulgaria and Turkey. This gives China the possibility to act as a mediator this month, since she had no part in offending either Bulgaria or Turkey.

(But maybe the fact the representatives of China were not announced in due time, so they could not take part in those discussions, was actually unfortunate.

Traditionally the Chinese diplomats were able to find mutually beneficial solutions to the tensed situations in the region. And a mutually beneficial agreement was all that was required last month.)

Given the fact Bulgaria and Turkey are both valuable allies, whoever forces us to chose between them is like asking us to cut off the right arm or the left arm and to be happy about that.

So what can we do in the current situation?

1) To lift the sanctions against Bulgaria;

2) To restore the access of the Turkish representatives to the diplomatic and military channels which the EDEN countries share with their allies. We need to be able to coordinate our military and diplomatic activities with our Turkish allies just like we coordinate them with, say, the USA, Brazil or Russia. Trust and friendship are built by working together so those channels need to be opened so we can work together;

3) To support a peaceful solution to the Bulgarians - Turkish dispute regarding the Iranian regions of Mazandaran and Semnan. Those regions are of no use to Turkey but they would help the development of the Bulgarian economy, by giving them access to saltpeter;

4) To encourage the constructive dialogue between Turkey and Bulgaria. Here it is worth stressing again that nobody is happy to cut off one arm.

So we expect both sides to prefer taking small rational steps to meet in the middle instead of adopting a “black-or-white” attitude regarding the disputed matters. And we also would be very sad if either side comes to us with a “you are either with me or against me” attitude.

Maybe neither side would be able to get 100% of what is under discussion this month. But if each gets some 20% or 50% now, that is a solid foundation for making more progress the next month, after trust has developed a little bit more.

eRepublik is already 3 years old and will not end this month.

Whatever is not solved in March can be solved in April as long as both sides keep making realistic demands and reasonable concessions.

The eChinese MoFA team of March 2012:

Samuel KANG