[MOFA] And the story begin.....

Day 657, 00:47 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by RUDSAINT

Dear all.

As the new MOFA of eIndonesia, I would to thank our president 8uj3l for his belief in giving me the mandatory as a Minister of Foreign Affair.

OK, enough with the chit chat, just get into the main point.
The president only asked a thing from me, he said, "Please maintain our good relationship with other country especially to smoothen our promise to wipe off eUSA from eWorld's map".
For that assignment I have some policy.
1. Learn more about international politics scheme. Yes, I'm a noob so I beg for your guidance 🙂
2. Being available online in erepublik PM / Yahoo Messanger / IRC to connect eIndonesia government with other country goverment.
3. Start a conversation with other country's goverment, like an Indonesian's proverb, "Tak kenal maka tak sayang" (PS. Still cannot find the right translation for this pharse).
4. Open recruitment for anyone who want to be an ambassador. Ambassador mission is to be into another country society and inform what's new in the country. Original citizen of the country is preferable. eMortal just a mortal that can't do everything alone. Just say to me, "You'll never walk alone" 🙂

Minister of Foreign Affair of eIndonesia.
President personal translator 😛
September 2009.

P.S. Wanna know eIndonesian president in Real Life? Just see this 😛
at 6 September 2009
in Plasa Semanggi, Jakarta, Indonesia
on Commune Party of eIndonesia Gathering.