[MoF] Zlato z kongresových medailí / Gold from congress medails [SK/EN]

Day 1,378, 14:40 Published in Slovakia Slovakia by Ministerstvo Financii

Vážení kongresmani a občania,

ako iste viete tentokrát sme sa rozhodli pre iný spôsob odovzdávania zlata z kongresovej medaile za účelom lepšej kontroly jeho odovzdávania do štátnej pokladnice. Boli vybraní štyria hráči prostredníctvom ktorých dochádza jednak k zberu zlata a taktiež ku kontrole od koho pochádza.

Nižšie uvádzam prostredníkov a priradených kongresmanov, ktorí ešte zlato neodovzdali:

1.) Stileth /doco11, totalDEVASTATOR, the Dentist/

2.) Red Duck /Daltik, gabberattack, Alino Tocaky/

3.) Vladislav Baloun /Nicneumel, fwdre, Pardija1/

4.) Gabberattack /ronavino, VSETKOvKLUDE, Dzuzinka/

Množstvo doteraz vyzbieraného zlata: 138/200 (už v pokladnici)
Počet kongresmanov: 28/40

Týmto by som chcel vyzvať zostávajúcich kongresmanov, aby zlato poslali svojim prostredníkom hneď ako to ich denný limit dovolí.


Minister financií

Dear congressmen and citizens,

as you know this time we have decided for a different way how to collect from congress medal to have better control of donations into country treasury. Four players were appointed not only to collect the gold, but also to give us answer who gave it.

Below you will find those players and the appointed congressmen who still didn't donate the gol😛

1.) Stileth /doco11, totalDEVASTATOR, the Dentist/

2.) Red Duck /Daltik, gabberattack, Alino Tocaky/

3.) Vladislav Baloun /Nicneumel, fwdre, Pardija1/

4.) Gabberattack /ronavino, VSETKOvKLUDE, Dzuzinka/

Amount of collected gol😛 138/200 (already in country treasury)
Number of congressmen: 28/40

In this way I would like to ask remaining congressmen to send their gold to their appointed collector as soon as their daily limit will allow it.

Thank you

Minister of finance