[MoF] Zlato z kongresových medailí / Gold from congress medails [SK/EN]

Day 1,430, 03:18 Published in Slovakia Slovakia by Ministerstvo Financii

Vážení kongresmani a občania federácie,

toto je aktuálny zoznam tých čo ešte nesplnili svoju povinnosť.

Priradenie je nasledovné:
1.) Stileth / the Dentist, MichaelPP, Istone1/

2.) Red Duck / TomRau, Mr.Seth, ronavino, Armanych/

3.) Frank Zafka /VSETKOvKLUDE, Vladislav Baloun, Hermi47, Ironymus, Hochelus/

4.) Gabberattack /Velky Pepik, Daltik, Pardija1, totalDEVASTATOR, Crex, Karpenter, audioa456, bodlakov/

Doteraz odovzdalo zlato 20 kongresmanov v celkovej výške 89 kusov zlata. Týmto by som chcel vyzvať tých čo tak ešte neučinili, aby tak bez odkladu urobili.

Minister Finacií

Dear congressmen and citizens of federation,

this is the actual list of those who didn't fulfill their duty.

The appointment is following:
1.) Stileth / the Dentist, MichaelPP, Istone1/

2.) Red Duck / TomRau, Mr.Seth, ronavino, Armanych/

3.) Frank Zafka /VSETKOvKLUDE, Vladislav Baloun, Hermi47, Ironymus, Hochelus/

4.) Gabberattack /Velky Pepik, Daltik, Pardija1, totalDEVASTATOR, Crex, Karpenter, audioa456, bodlakov/

For now we received gold from 20 congressmen in total value of 89 gold. By this I would like to ask those who still din't send it to do it without further hesitation.

Minister of Finance