[MoF] Income and Expenses

Day 2,278, 20:34 Published in Belgium Belgium by NBB-BNB

eBelgian Citizens,

Throughout our prolonged wipe, our income had obviously declined due to the loss in tax revenue. Previously, major tournaments like the Epic Warfare Tournament helped to fund our costs, but as of late our finances have declined to about 376,000 CC and 450 gold.

Below is a graph representing the daily income for eBelgium since Mr. Wonka took office on the 5th of February. As you can see, our income has jumped up over the past couple of days which is due to the resistance wars that have sprung up across Poland, leaving all three of Belgium's regions having been liberated. As a result, all the money collected in taxes now goes to Belgium only.

Our current balance is the following:

376,505 CC
445.99 gold

One month ago, we had the following reserves:

312,137 CC
405.99 gold

Our increase in reserve status can be attributed to having only spent 10k CC on MPPs with both Spain and Pakistan on days 2253 and 2250 respectively. Pakistan thoughtfully covered our half of the expense; however, this has not been marked in the treasury accounting sheet and thus it appears 10k CC is currently unaccounted for. The MoF team is currently looking into the matter and will report soon.

Additionally, the MoF is experimenting with generating additional profits by using the monetary exchange. As a result, most of the money held for the state by our bank managers has been returned to several different Belgian organisations, and the offers are already on the market. The results of these experiments will be published at the end of the month.

More updates soon. o/

Warm regards,
Ministers of Finance
SX80, Jofroi, and Viridi