[MoF] Financial Report & Cash Bonus

Day 2,799, 17:54 Published in Norway Norway by The Bank of Norway

Hello everyone! This is probably going to be a little bit of a surprise and something different since this will be the first thing posted from the Ministry of Finance since Day 1,706. That is 1,093 days ago or nearly three years ago! Since taking over the Ministry (in which I once said I never wanted to manage) Ive made a lot of changes and taken a lot of initiatives to get our finances on track and to start keeping better records so here is an update on what I have been up to and what has changed.

Lower WRM Import Taxes
I would say about a year or so ago we raised our WRM Import Taxes to protect one of our last money making markets for Norwegian producers. However after watching our WRM market it became apparent the government needed to step in to change things when we would only have about 2-3 reasonable WRM offers on the market. Reasonable being 0.03 or lower. And it was also evident it was not enough as it was only about 5,000 a day which is not enough to provide for our weapons producers.

So we recently lowered the Import Tax back to 1% to attract WRM producers who have Norwegian trading licences so we can stable our markets and our weapons producers no longer have to buy on the black market. Ive also reached out to the Netherlands and our oldest friends in Finland and Sweden, as they would be the countries most likely to have older citizens that still have Norwegian licences to sell on our markets.

If you check now we currently have offers from Finnish and Swedish WRM producers which is great! Its means that so far this has been a success. Jussi released an article letting all of Sweden know about it, so please vote it up and comment a thanks to our friends in Sweden.

Keeping Our Financial Records
It seems our last couple of Ministers never properly kept any records of our finances which is a shame. This is something that Ive committed to doing. We have a big gap from when records were last kept however I am now tracking everything from, donations, to tax changes, to Daily Tax Revenues and even how much our treasury sits at.

This is going to allow me to show the rest of the government the impact certain financial laws that we make will have on the nations finances, as we can watch our economy grow or even shrink and can now analyze why it is happening. This is one step closer to creating financial security in Norway.

Protecting Our Assets
After we were robbed a few months ago by the old Minister of Finance I have made a point of not just protecting our finances, but doing it as quick as possible. We had a possible PTO scare recently and we moved into action very fast to safe guard our treasury. I am very proud to see the quick reaction by which our government acted to protect our money and I can assure you we will continue to do this.

Gameiro101 Legacy Award
Most of you will know but one of Norway's oldest citizens Gameiro101 recently announced his retirement from eRepublik which you can read about here. He also made a huge donation, donating everything he had to the state totalling $1,144,857. This has had a huge impact on our finances and will help boost our economical situation greatly especially after our robbery.

Right now the Norwegian community is looking at creating the "Gameiro101 Legacy Award" so we never forget him and his contributions he made to our community during his eLife. Please take part in the conversation and what kind of awards you think we should hold to honour him with by taking part here.

That is all for now. If you have any questions please feel free to pm me to get in touch and I will try to help out as best as I can. Also the 4th comment/vote/sub/shout on this article will receive a $100NOK bonus, the 5th a $150NOK and the 6th a $200NOK bonus! Please post your sub number as well!

As always don't forget to V,S,S&E!

Kind Regards,

Joshua Morriseau
Minister of Finance