[MoF] BYS-Week

Day 2,038, 14:48 Published in Belgium Belgium by NBB-BNB

June is ... "get fit for summer month"!
After a lot of carefull deliberation we decided to honor backwards donation to our treasury with a week of free training!
TG: Training ground
CC: Climbing center
BYS: Boost Your Strength
Q2: Quality level 2 of your training facilities

BYS-Week: What is it?
BYS stands for Boost your strength. The old BYS program aimed at weekly reimbursements of citizen training expenses. BYS-Week will be a one-week special edition, allowing the government to evaluate the expense after one week.

BYS-Week: Who can apply?
The initial conditions of the BYS program will be lowered to open this one week special to as many people as possible. Entry conditions will be:
- Training Grounds Q2 and higher (upgrade to Q2 costs 11.2 gold during promo)
- Climbing Center Q2 and higher (upgrade to Q2 costs 11.2 gold during promo)
- Sufficient gold to fund one week of training in CC (7*0.19 = 1.33 gold)

Note: You will need to provide a screenshot that shows you meet these conditions!

BYS-Week: What will be reimbursed?
Since training grounds are free to use, only the climbing center expense will be reimbursed. With both TG and CC at Q2, you are expected to increase strenght by 15 strenght per day of training. So per 15 strength increase you will be paid 0.19 gold, with a max of 1.33 for the entire week.

BYS-Week: I can't wait, when do we start?
In order to allow younger players to upgrade their training facilities, we propose to start BYS week with the next training facilities promo

BYS-Week: *cry* help, I don't meet the entry conditions! *cry, sob, sob*
No worries, your government will help you! During BYS-Week, the gold loan will be temporarily open to citizens as from lvl 21. People between lvl 21 to 24 will be entitled a maximum of 25 gold to cover the above expenses. All other conditions apply, so you will need to prove that you used the loan to upgrade your training ground and/or climbing center.

Note: People who lend gold during BYS-week will not receive the gold reimbursement at the end of the week, instead it will be automatically deducted from their loan. The rest of the loan will have to be repaid within 3 months. (FYI, 90 days training with TG at Q2 will give you more than 3 super soldier medals, so 15 gold. You can also gain 3 hard-worker medals in 3 months, which is another 15 gold).

BYS-Week: why bother upgrading for one week only?
- Upgrading your TG to Q2 should be a first step for many, as it is free to use, and provides you with a steady income of super soldier medals as you advance in strength.
- CC Q4 is the only training facility (other than the free TG) that is profitable in terms of training cost versus soldier medals gained. At Q4, training 25 times gives you 5 gold from super soldier, versus a cost of 25 * 0.19 = 4.75 gold. So even if upgrading CC to Q2 is not profitable by itself, it is a first step towards going towards a CC Q4.
- If you have to choose between upgrading CC to Q2 for BYS-Week, and upgrading TG to Q3 or Q4, I would choose TG, but that is entirely up to you.

BYS-Week: one-time only?
If the costs of this one week are acceptable it is likely that this event is repeated in the near or mid-term future, however it is not likely going to be each week for a longer time like the old BYS program.

*** Event funded by Backwards donation to the eBe government ***

Practical links:
- apply for gold loan here: http://www.erepbelgium.com/f97-gold-loans
- link for application to BYS-Week http://www.erepbelgium.com/f93-boost-your-strength
- law on BYS-Week: http://www.erepbelgium.com/t5805-boost-your-strength