[MoEd] Udhezues per luften guerile/Guide to Guerrilla fight (SQ/EN)

Day 2,450, 11:29 Published in Albania Greece by Kravenn

Faleminderit Code-Y dhe Departamentit te Edukimit te eSHBA qe me lejuan ta kopjoj artikullin e tyre.
Versioni origjinal eshte ketu: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-doe-guide-to-guerilla-fights--2412104/1/20
Përkthimi u mundësua nga: Endritt Zekka
Pershendetje shqiptaret e mij te nderuar

Para se gjithash : kerkoj falje per mungesen e artikujve javen e kaluar.Kisha disa probleme dhe njera prej pasojave ishte se nuk mund te mirresha me Edukimin.

Gjate mandatit : Endriti me tregoi se “Shume eShqiptar po jane duke luftuar ne guerila dhe do ishte mire te shkruanim dicka rreth saj”
S’ka problem per mua … por jam i tmerrshem ne Guerila 😒
Cfare mund te beja? E thjeshte:te kerkoja per nje artikull te shkelqyer dhe te pyesja nese mund ta perdorja ne Shqiperi.Poashtu:kam nje shok(me heret qytetar i eUK qe momentalisht eshte ne Kube) qe publikoi nje tjeter.

Zgjidhja ime : Artikulli i Departamentit te Edukimit te eSHBA qe mu duk shume i mire.Ne fund te artikullit do te jete edhe linku i nje artikulli tjeter(vetem ne gjuhen angleze)

PS: ky me gjase do jete artikulli i im i fundit per kete mandat,por jam i gatshem te punoj me presidentin e ardhshem.

Pershendetje.Per ata qe nuk me njohin mua,une jam Code-Y(ish-kapiten i regjimentit elitar) ! Sot dua tu tregoj si jam bere luftetari numer #1 ne guerila ne Amerike per dy javet e kaluara,dhe si planifikoj te behem #1 ne eSHBA.Para se te fillojme le te sqarojme nje gje.

Luftrat guerile jane menyra me e mire per te shkaktuar sasi te medha te demit me shume pak shendet te hargjuar.Pa marre parasysh a fitoni apo humbisni do te shkaktoni me shume demtim,dallimi i vetem eshte se shpenzoni me shume kohe.Eshte 100% e vertete se nese doni te “nxirrni” sa me shume demtim,duhet qe te luftoni ne guerila sa me shpesh.

Para ndryshimeve te fundit ne loje,nuk isha i interesuar per luften guerile keshtu qe nuk luftoja,keshtu qe vetem vallezoja ne guerila(definicioni eshte me poshte)

Tani, me ndryshimet e reja kete strategji e bejne te kote,sepse nese humbasim,ne bejme 100% te demtimit me me 10 goditje me Q7 + 50% te demtimit nga energjia e humbur e kundershtarit.Kjo do te thote se nese beni 10k demtim me nje goditje me Q7 dhe humbisni nje duel ne guerila me 0 energji dhe merrni tere energjine e kundershtarit ,atehere ju beni 100k demtim + 50k demtim,pra 150k demtim!Kjo tregon se edhe nese humbisni ne guerila perseri eshte investim mjafte i leverdishem,per aq kohe sa i shkaktoni demtim kundershtarit.

Gjithashtu nese fitoni,shkaktoni 100% te demtimit me energjine e humbur te kundershtarit ne vend te 50%,nje motiv shtese per te fituar!

Tani casti te cilin te gjithe e keni pritur!Si te fitoni?

Para se te luftoni

Eshte shume e thjeshte,se pari,cdo here shko ne beteje i mbushur me municion!Kjo do te thote se ju duhen 3 granata ne cdo kohe.Arma juaj duhet te kete municion te plote,dhe duhet te keni arme mbeshtetese(Sniper dhe Crossbow jane me te miret).Nuk mund tu’a them kete me bindje te plote sepse nese bini ne kurth gjate levizjeve(definicioni gjendet me poshte) atehere jeni te mbaruar(shkaterruar).Ju sygjeroj qe storm riffle ta perdorni si armen tuaj primare sepse perfshine distance me te madhe(350-800),ka me se shumti municion dhe nje sasi te mire te demit.Nese e shikojme nga demtimi total ne beteje,padyshim se fiton(8 demtim/goditje dhe 5 goditje para se te duhet ta rimbushim.Arma e vetme e cila i perafrohet ketij demtimi eshte crossbow qe shkakton 7 demtim/goditje por qe kerkon rimbushje pas cdo perdorimi)

Udhezues per strategjine

Tani qe e dini cka eshte e nevojshme per luften guerile,do tu tregoj si te fitoni!Para se gjithash kjo kerkon shume praktike dhe logjike.Nuk do u flas per secilin hap veq e veq por ketu jane disa keshilla te pergjithshme.

Gjuaj i pari dhe vazhdo te gjuash
Ne cofte se distanca nga kundershtari eshte mes 300 dhe 750,dhe nese keni storm rifle do ishte mire te gjuanit.S’ka rendesi se cfare,ne rastin e pare me storm rifle menjehere gjuani!Nese armiku juaj ka nje arme qe i pershtatet me mire distances,nje snaiper ne 700m apo nje uzi ne 300m,vazhdoni te gjuani derisa te filloni te deshtoni.Nese deshtoni 2 here atehere duhet te levizni ne nje distance me te pershtatshme dhe te vazhdoni(te gjuani).

Ruani granatat tuaja
Granatat duhet t’i perdorni vetem kur e dini se mund te beni qe kundershtari te deshtoj!Kjo do te thote se perveq nese kundershtari eshte ne nje distance te keqe per te dhe duke gjuajtur,ju nuk duhet t’i perdorni granatat.Granatat zvogelojne shanset e kundershtarit per t’iu goditur per 30%,nese e perdorni nje te tille kur kundershtari ka 80% per te qelluar,atehere boom,50%,me gjase ai nuk do i’u godas juve.Por nese e perdorni kur kundershtari ka 90% gjase per te goditur dhe ka bere 3-4 goditje rradhazi,atehere kjo eshte humbje.(sa me shume te shtena qe beni rradhazi,ka me pak te ngjare qe te huqni).Dhe para se gjithash,pa marre parasysh se cfare,kurre mos e perdorni granaten e fundit para raundit te fundit ose te parafundit.Kjo eshte loja e ndryshimit te granates andaj duhet te ruhet(kursehet).

Ne kohe te veshtira,mendo perpara
Nganjehere,do te keni perballe nje kundershtar qe eshte me i mencur se ju.Cdo here qe ju gjuani nje granate ai leviz,cdo goditje qe e beni ai e bllokon.Ne keto raste ju duhet te filloni te mendoni,cfare ai nuk do te pres? Nese per shembull jeni terhequr ne 300m distance me nje storm rifle dhe e shihni ate me nje uzi,ju NUK DUHET te gjuani granatat,ne kete rast ai do parashikoj se ju do terhiqeni pas,ketu duhet te perqendroheni dhe te levizni perpara.Kjo eshte mire sepse uzit kane nje shtrirje tmeresisht te ngushte,kjo per shkak se kane nje shtrirje shume te vockel dhe nese levizni jashte asaj shtrirje atehere me gjase nuk do te goditeni,kjo gjithashtu ju vendos ne pozite me te favorshme sepse nese kundershtari nuk leviz,atehere ju nxirrni crossbow dhe e godisni nga 80m!Ne parim kjo keshille thote se nuk duhet te mendoni se ka vetem nje opsion,ju cdo here keni me shume se 1 opsion,prandaj shfrytezojeni ate.

Rimbushje falas
Nese jeni duke humbur ku cdo pike shendeti vlen,ti dhe kundershtari juaj jeni duke perdorur te njejten arme,nje strategji per te marre nje rimbushje falas pa rrezikuar te humbisni shendet eshte😛ara se te rimbushni,levizni me afer armikut tuaj(nganjehere edhe me larg funksionon,por eshte me pak e besueshme per uzi/sniper/rifle sepse ata kane shtrirje te madhe).Kjo metode do beje qe armiku juaj te leviz mbrapa qe te kthehet perseri ne distance te mire dhe derisa ai eshte duke levizur mbrapa ju rimbushni armen tuaj!Nese kundershtari juaj nuk leviz mbrapa,prape ju jeni ne pozite te volitshme sepse sigurisht qe kundershtari juaj do te huq ndersa ju mund te perdorni granaten tuaj per te shkaktuar demtim.

Shkakto demtim
Pa marre parasysh cfare ndodh,kurre mos u dorezo.Cdo here duhet te perqendroheni te shkaktoni demtim.Edhe nese humbni,mbajeni ne mend se demtimi juaj varet edhe nga energjia qe humb armiku juaj,andaj me besoni,ju doni ta demtoni kundershtarin sa me shume qe te jete e mundur!Kurre nuk mund ta dini,ai mund te hyj ne seri deshtimesh dhe ju mund te fitoni!

Mos e merrni shume afer zemres
Thone:ruaje me te miren per fund.Nje gje qe duhet ta dini kur shkoni ne luften guerile eshte se e tera eshte rastesi.Pa marre parasysh,askush nuk mund t’u garantoj se do te huqni,nuk ka asnje menyre qe 100% cdo here te fitoni.Asnjehere mos u be kryelarte,sepse nje lojtar me 20 fitore dhe 30 humbje mund te jete duke mesuar,dhe asnjehere mos u beje pesimist per shkak se nje lojtar me 300 fitore dhe 120 humbje mund te mos jete duke kushtuar vemendje.Para se gjithash,ju edhe do te huqni goditje ne 90%,nganjehere kundershtari juaj do beje 4 goditje te suksesshme rradhazi ne 30%!Ja qe ndodh dhe me se miri eshte te mbani koken te ftohte(mos u beni nervoz) dhe harrojini humbjet,me besoni,jam profesionist ^_~.


Vallezimi gueril:Nje metode e vjeter qe nuk eshte me e zbatueshme ne kete loje.Kur 2 kundershtare levizin para dhe mbrapa per te maksimizuar demtimin pa larguar shendet nga njeri-tjetri.Nuk eshte me e zbatueshme sepse tani demtimi llogaritet ndryshe.

Kurthi levizes: Ku asnjeri nga lojtaret nuk eshte ne distance te pershtatshme per te gjuajtur dhe qe te dy levizin ne te njejten kohe,dhe vazhdojne te bejne kete.Kjo mund te shkoje pafundesisht shume here nese te dy lojtaret levizin ne te njejten distance nga njeri-tjetri,dhe personi me me pak shendet detyrohet ta prishe kurthin duke ndryshuar armen ose duke bere nje goditje te gabuar.

PS. Nese ka ndonje reagim/pyetje do mund ta shtoja ne kete udhezues te shkurter :d .Shijojeni o7.

PPS. Nje tjeter artikull i mire nga CheetahCurtis : Udhezues per luften guerile(Vetem ne gjuhen angleze)

Minister i Edukimit

Thank you Code-Y and the eUS Department of Education to accept that I copy their good article
Original version is available here : http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-doe-guide-to-guerilla-fights--2412104/1/20
Hello my dear Albanians,

First of all : my apologies for the lack of articles during the last week. I had some issues and one of the consequences was that I didn’t worked on Education.

During the term : Endritt told me “Lot of eAlbanians are using Guerrilla fights and it should be nice to write something about that”.
No problem for me but … I’m terrible in Guerrilla 😒
What could I do there ? Simple : checking about an excellent article and ask if I can use it in Albania. Also : I have a friend (former eUK citizen who residing now in Cuba) who published another one.

My choice : The eUS Department of Education one which I found very good. At the end of the article : there will be a link to another article if you need a second one (English only)

PS : that will be probably my last article for this term but I’m ready to work with the next Albanian CP

Hi. For those of you who don't know me, I'm Code-Y (Ex-Captain of the elite regiment ) ! Today I want to tell you how I became the #1 guerrilla fighter in America of the day, for the past 2 weeks, and how I plan to become #1 in USA. Before I even start that, let's get 1 thing clear!

Guerrilla fights are the best way to deal insane amounts of damage while consuming the least amount of health! No matter what, win or loss, you'll always do more damage with guerrilla fights, the only difference is, it's a bit more time consuming. This is a 100% fact and if you want to maximize your damage output, you should guerrilla fight as often as possible.

Before the recent update I wasn't really too interested in guerrilla fighting so I didn't fight, I just guerrilla danced (Definition found below).

Now the update makes this strategy useless, because if we lose, we do 100% of our health lost in Q7 Damage + 50% of the opponents health lost. This means that if you do 10k with 1 Q7 hit and lose a guerrilla fight with 0 health and take all your opponents health, then you do 100k dmg + 50k dmg, so 150k! This shows even if you lose guerrilla fights, they're still a worthwhile investment as long as you do damage!

Also if you win, you do 100% of your opponents health lost instead of 50%, a nice little incentive to win !

Now for the moment you've all been waiting for! How do you fucking win these things?

Before you even fight!

It's very simple, first off, always go into battle with a fully loaded clip! That means you need 3 grenades all the time! Your weapon must always have full ammo and you have to have back up weapons (Sniper and Crossbow are best)! I cannot stress this enough because if you fall into a moving loop (Definition found below) and you have less health, then you're fucked! I also suggest a storm rifle as your primary weapon of choice because it has the biggest usable range (350 - 800) it's good to go, and it also has the most ammo and a good amount of damage! Also in terms of total damage per game, it wins by far. (8 dmg/turn and 5 hits before reload is needed. The only weapon close to this damage output is the crossbow which does 7 dmg/turn due to the fact you have to reload it every turn).

Strategy Guide

Now that you know the necessities of going into a guerrilla fight, I'll tell you how to win! First off, this requires a lot of practice and common sense. I'm not going to walk you through every step but here are some general tips

Shoot First & keep shooting!
If you spawn, no matter what you'll be between the ranges of 300 and 750, if you have that storm rifle, you better fucking shoot! No matter what, first turn with a storm rifle, you should shoot! If your enemy has a weapon better suited for the range, aka a sniper at 700 or a uzi and 300, you still shoot until you start missing. The second you start missing you should move to a more appropriate range and continue.

Reserve your grenades
Grenades should only be used when you know you can make your opponent miss! This means unless your opponent is at a bad range and taking shots, you shouldn't use your grenade. Grenades lower your opponents shot chance by 30%, if you used this when your opponent has an 80% chance, then boom, 50%, he's not likely to hit you! But if you use it after your opponent has 90% and done 3-4 shots in a row that hit, then it's a waste. (The more shots you land in a row, the less likely you are to miss). And above all else, no matter what, never use your last grenade until the last turn or the 2nd last turn. That's the game changing grenade and should be reserved.

In times of hardship, think ahead.
Sometimes, you'll find an opponent who's just smarter than you. Every time you throw a grenade he moves, every hit you make, he blocks. In these situations you have to start thinking, this guys pretty good, now what will he not expect? If for instance you've been lured into 300 range with a storm rifle and you see him with an uzi, you DO NOT want to throw your grenade, instead, in this situtation, he's going to anticipate you moving backwards, this is where you pull the mind fuck and move forwards. This is good because uzi's have terrible close range, as a matter of fact they have an incredibly tiny range and if you move out of the range, you're very unlikely to get hit, this also puts you at a better oppurtunity because if the opponent doesn't move, then you pull out your crossbow and shoot 'em at 80 range! Basically, this tip is saying don't think there's only 1 option, you always have more than 1 option, so utilize it!

Free Reload?
If you're in a losing situation where every health counts and you and your opponent are both using the same weapon, a strategy to get a free reload with out risking health loss is before you reload, move closer to your enemy, (Farther sometimes works, but it's less reliable for Uzis/snipers/rifles because they have good long range percentages). This method will make your opponent have to move back to get back into a good range and while they're moving back you reload! If your opponent doesn't move back, then either way you're better off because your opponent is way more likely to miss and you can use your grenades to mess with 'em!

Deal Damage!
No matter what, you should never accept defeat. You should always focus on doing damage! Even if you lose, remember, you do damage based on how much health your opponent loses, so trust me, you want to damage your opponent as much as possible! You never know, they might go on a losing streak and you could win !

Don't get too mad!
They say save the best for last. One thing you should know going into a guerrilla fight is it's all random. No matter what, you never get a guaranteed miss, there is no 100% way to always win. Never be too cocky because that guy with 20 wins and 30 losses might be learning, and never be too pessimistic because that guy with 300 wins and 120 losses may not be paying attention! Above all else, you're going to miss those 90% shots, your opponent will somtimes make that 30% shot 4 times in a row! It happens and it's best to keep a cool head and wipe off your losses, trust me, I'm a professional ^_~.


Guerrilla Dance: An obsolete method that is no longer viable in the game where 2 opponents move back and forth to maximize damage without taking away health from each other. It's no longer viable because the influence is now calculated differently.

Moving Loop: Where neither fighter is at a good distance to shoot and so they both move at the same time, and continue to do so. This can go on for an endless amount of time if the fighters move the exact same distance and the person with less health typically has to break this loop by changing weapons or taking the bad shot.

PS. If I get any feedback/questions, I may add more to this little guide :d. Enjoy o7.

PPS : Another good article from CheetahCurtis : A guide to guerrilla fights(English Only)

See ya,
Minister of Education