[MoE] Training & You! (Part 1)

Day 1,769, 11:47 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Sparkfyre

A.A Everyone 🙂

Once again I've fallen behind my schedule, so I'm sorry for the delay. This topic was suggested to me by one of my unofficial advisors, Annihilator10 and I realised that it was an excellent subject on which to write on and one  that I hadn't yet covered...

You all know how important gaining strength is for gold and increasing influence in battles! 

Every 250 strength you get a Super Soldier award, worth 5 Gold, and as your strength increases so does your damage.

So you can see there's ripple effect resulting from the increase in strength. This article should outline the basics of how to gain the maximum from the training centres and it's subsequent benefits.

Also, eRepublik offers training contracts every 1-2 months, I'll describe the advantages of these contracts to you in the next article due to the unexpected length of this one.

To make the article easier to follow, I will give each example as a Case.

Now, recent changes in the game mean that everyone has all four training centres (at Quality 1 aka Q1) free of cost.

That means that your Training Grounds should look a little something like this...

The only difference being that I have upgraded my top most Training Centre to Q2.

If all of your Training Centres were at  Q1 you can expect some of the following things...

Case 1:

The diagram shows the amount of strength you will gain daily (24.3) and how long it would take to get Super Soldier Award (10.29 days).

Ok, let's do the maths... We have to pay the daily cost of training for 10.29 days (10.29 x 3.47 = 35.71) to get the award.
That makes a total of 35.71 gold with the return of 5 gold. Basically, a loss of 30.71 gold! Not economical at all...

However,  if we take an example where all the Training Centres are upgraded to the Q3. Which means the total cost would be as calculated below:

Case 2:

330 Gold would be needed to upgrade all centres.
The return on this can be calculated by using the following diagram:

It shows that, now, the award can be won every 3.61 days meaning a total of 12.53 gold (3.47 x 3.61) is spent with the return of 5 gold. The loss being of 8.88 gold, better than having only Q1 training centres but still not profitable.

These two examples were to emphasise on how important it is not to upgrade your training centres or use gold UNLESS there have been discounts. These will be discussed later.

Before we go there, a few benefits of upgrading only the Cost Free Training centre. It does not require gold to train in this centre, so it makes the most logical choice to upgrade first. Consider the following calculations:

Case 3:

It shows that, free of cost, You can gain 11.8 strength daily, on average. That would take 21.19 days to gain an award without incurring any cost besides the initial investment of 20 Gold to upgrade the centre to Q2. It would take 4 awards to recover this investment meaning it would take 84.76 days (21.19 x 4) to begin making a profit.

Now, the first two Cases were both based on the assumption that ALL FOUR training centres had to be used. However, that is not the case as I've just demonstrated. It is also possible to use only a combination of several training centres, for example:

Case 4:

In this case, the first Training Centre is Q2 and the second Centre is Q1. The total cost of using both is 0.19 Gold per day and the number of days needs for the reward is 17.48 days.
Thus total amount of gold spent till the Award will be 3.33 Gold. The reward of 5 Gold will result in a profit of 1.67 Gold (5 - 3.33).
The 20 gold used to upgrade the Centre will consume 6 of these profits (20/3.33). Meaning that it will take 104.88 days to make a profit using this training method.

It may seem that Case 3 is a better option because it only takes 85 days to make a profit as compared to the 105 days taken by Case 4. That is not entirely true.

The aim is not only to make a profit but also to gain strength. If you applied Case 3, it would make a total of 1,250 strength whereas Case 4 would make 1,500 strength in the same amount of time!

In the long-term, Case 4 would prove to be more efficient than Case 3. However, Case 3 & 4 are only two options out of the numerous options available!

So, though it maybe a little time-consuming, sit down, get yourself a calculator and figure out some possible options for yourself. Take into account how much gold you can afford to spend on training and upgrading...its not necessary to upgrade immediately! Take it slow and steady...

New citizens are advised not to upgrade immediately and if they really wish to then it should be the Cost-Free Training Centre.

