[MoD] Unofficial: Rylde Pays his Ice Taxes!!!!

Day 5,804, 21:46 Published in Canada Canada by TemujinBC

It's not very often Rylde willingly pays his taxes:

Thanks to an opening night smackdown of the evil Oilers by the #WhiteKnight Canucks (with full credit to Brock Boeser) as well as a timely wager, the leader of the Sniper party is 75k poorer tonight.

As the official Minister of Defense for our great and war-mongering nation, I shall convene with the Executive Branch and decide what to do with this gladly-received loot.

Thank you Rylde for paying your ice taxes! GO CANUCKS GO!

An Ass-Kicking

Hugs and Kisses,


PS Never bet against the #WhiteKnight