[MoD] The Japanese Ultimate Daily Orders Program

Day 5,081, 08:51 Published in Japan Japan by Galloglaigh

At the Ministry of Defense of eJapan, we want to encourage players, new and old, to become stronger and more active fighters by offering them a financial incentive to fight.

Every Tuesday of the week, we will pay soldiers that have completed all seven daily orders in the previous week a sum of 5000 JPY.

To qualify for the J.U.D.O. Program, you must:

1. Be a citizen of eJapan.
2. Be a member of a eJapanese military unit.
3. Your citizen account must be 30 days of age or older.

The program will start tomorrow, and the first payouts will be made on Day 5,089. Each week, we will publish an article to share the results.

In a few weeks from now, we will assess the effectiveness and impact of the program, and decide whether to continue the program or not.


Minister of Defense

The MU that started the dictatorship is not eligible for the program