[MoD] New Course For Denmark

Day 1,458, 10:46 Published in Denmark Germany by Flitwick
Dear Denmark,

I write to you this evening, to explain what will happen very soon with MPPs and why we have chosen as we have.

Denmark is in need of battles. We already have several MPPs with countries that are usually in battles, but for some reason they are not that active battle wise at the moment. This is a problem, as we then cannot have a military order for our military unit.

This means that we will sign another MPP very soon and this MPP will be with Romania.
I just heard a roar from Sweden that we are betraying ONE and so on. But that is not the case. We are not able to sign MPPs with ONE countries, as Sweden wants to be able to wipe Denmark at any time, if we become a threat to the region due to a political take over.
So far we have signed MPPs with friends, such as Norway, Finland, Canada and Australia. This is apparently not enough and we have now chosen Romania. Romania have been very friendly towards us and even though Han Solo 8 is from Romania, their country President has assured me that they have nothing to do with him terrorizing our country and they do not support his actions one bit.

With this coming MPP we go into a new era for Denmark. So far Denmark has officially been a pro ONE country. This is no longer the case. This does not mean however, that we have suddenly become a pro EDEN or pro Terra country, it simply means, that Denmark is an independent nation that signs with friends, no matter what alliance they come from.
We have no interest in the battles of the world that is inspired by loyalty to alliances. We fight for our friends and we have friends in both EDEN, Terra and ONE.
We are what you can call a neutral nation. But as it is simply impossible to be neutral in this game and at the same time have a good country, we will be neutral in who we sign MPPs with. We will only look at who are our friends, not where to they belong.

We took the first step towards this when we publicly declared that we are supporting Norway in the Sweden-Norway conflict. Norway is our friends, so is Sweden. But in this case we had to choose sides and it was not hard. Norway was treated unfairly and we could not look idly by.

I hope you all support our new stance. Denmark as neutral, but having Mutual Protection Pacts with our friends. No matter where they belong.

Thanks you for reading.
Congressmen, please vote yes to the MPP with Romania.

Best Regards,
Danish Minister of Defense