[MoD] Join the KCT! |"Nunc aut Nunquam" ~ "Nu of nooit"|

Day 1,701, 10:34 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Ministerie van Defensie

The Ministry of Defense is proud to announce the newest MU for the army.

The KCT (Korps Commando Troepen)

The KCT strike everywhere its needed, fast, hard and deadly. It will consist out of the top fighters of the Dutch Armed Forces. The army will provide them with the best weapons, food and girls!

How do you become a member?
The Ministry of Defense have set high standards for this MU.

* IRC active
* Minimum hit with Q6 7000 influence
* Work in commune
* Dutch citizen
* Mandatory sidebar

You want to join?
Please join ingame the MU and contact the commander about the commune job!


Minister of Defense

Dave Brinkman,
State Secretary of Defense

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