[MoD Issue] - Support our military eAustralia [204/390][Updated]

Day 661, 00:40 Published in Australia China by srg91

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The eOrder of the Sun is holding an competition for this!!!!

Anyone who donates 2+ Gold to this cause will be entered in a draw to win up to 30 Q1 Weapons!
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Update: Thank you so much for this help!!!!, we have raised 55g so far!!! I will put out a List of all players who contributed later, say in 2-3days, the support has been wonderful so far!!!
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As many of you guys know, eAustralia has recent lost a large amount of gold, and because of it, we can not go ahead with our planned construction of a q5 weapon company to provide the best weapons to our soldiers. However, getting a q5 weapon company for eAus gov have been a dream of mine ever since last month, but with the recent thefts, I can not obtain ANY FUNDING FOR IT just at the moment, whilst I respect and understand the situation, as I have served as MoF and their have been generous with my budget so far, particularly during these tough times.

As many of you guys know, a q5 weapon company costs 390g, and hence, that is my aim for this donation drive. I aim to obtain 390g from our citizens to obtain an eAustralian q5 weapon company asap and I can not stress the importance of us having our own q5 military company, esp after coming out of action from eJapan.

Please pass all donation to: Australian Defence Department

I have been in government for a long while now and I have never let the eAustralian citizens down, hence I am asking you, as an eAustralian citizen who wish to improve our nation, to help eAustralia reach this goal. I have seen eAustralia helping out with the hospital production, turning it from one of the least active companies to one of the most active ones in the world, and I am confident to think that you guys will not let me down this time either.

This q5 weapon company will be created for both stockpile and selling q5 weapons to generate gold for the military, as tanking units need these gold during the crucial times and I believe it is a good idea to ensure the military having their own tanking reserve to reduce the gold the government need to pass to our military units during the crucial times.

07 (that means salute btw 😛)

Minister of Defence

Please support this cause