[MoCH]Love Roulette Event~~~

Day 1,585, 12:58 Published in Japan Japan by Nozomi

Greetings citizens! Your true Empress and Minister of Culture and History brings you a new event to revel in. Are you lonely and unlucky in love? Do you want to find a partner to spend the rest of your life with? Let me show you the red tentacles of fate as I pair you with a random animated character~

This is a new event I plan to run, and I need victims volunteers to sign up for it. Once you mail me your interest, I'll spin the magickal roulette wheel of tentacle love and then I'll reply back with the name of your future waifu/husbandu~ There's no need to share your gender, sexual orientation or preferences because the wheel doesn't actually care and will force you to marry whoever the hell it tells you to marry.

Maybe you'll just volunteer for the novelty, but the real festivities of this event is competing for the Blazing Love Scepter which will turn you into a magic knight couple so you can fight in the name of love and justice together for eternity! Obviously I'm going to task you with some article writing and such and put it to forum vote, and like this month's Empress Day, all are welcome to participate but only eJapanese citizens can vote. Further details on what you have to write or do will come later, but first I want to see who's competing.