[MoCH] Cultural Awards 2011 (2nd Annual)

Day 1,469, 17:45 Published in Japan Japan by DankEvergreen

Now is the time for the 2nd Annual Cultural Awards, where at the end of the year we give credit to the few people that have ether improved, maintained, and/or protected the culture and community of eJapan. Down below will be a list of categories, what you need to do is nominate the person who you believed did the best job of that category. The nominations will last today through Wednesday with voting starting on Thursday, and the winners article on Saturday. Also the category "Minister of Culture & History of the Year" will be removed this year as the MoCH wasn't as active as it usually is.

I was planning on having this event held last week, but with "Thanksgiving" Holiday for us in the USA, and the release of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, I was REALLY busy. Empress Day will continued to be skipped this and next month (unless someone else is willing), however I do plan to come back to the MoCH full time as I once did before at the beginning of next year, bringing back Empress Day each month, along with the plus one holiday for that month. So please take part in this years Cultural Awards, and support the MoCH so we can continue the culture of our eRepulik eJapan.

Cultural Awards Categories:
Minister of Defense of the Year
Minister of Gaming of the Year
Ambassador of the Year
Congressman/woman of the Year
President of the Year
Newspaper of the Year

Please only ONE nomination per person for each category.

NOMINATION THREA😨 http://nipponblog.net/showthread.php?p=60662#post60662