[MoA]-Ministry of Ambassadors Opening Message

Day 1,694, 10:31 Published in India USA by India101

TItle: MoA- Ministry of Ambassadors Opening Message 
The Ministry of Ambassadors is happy to announce it's opening. Under President RD's term we will work to the best of our ability to dispatch ambassadors, and improve Indian Foreign Relations around the world.

Head of Ambassadors
 Our Ministry is currently lead by the Head of Ambassadors or the Minister of Ambassadors. This position has been given to India101 by President RD. 
The Head of Ambassadors functions by coordinating the various ambassadors. The role of the ambassador is to lead all the Indian Ambassadors.
What is an Ambassador?
An ambassdor is a person who is dispatched to a foreign nation, and is basically a representaion of our gloruious nation in that country. That means that they work to keep good relations between their dispatched nation and India. They also are the 'telephone' in the call between their dispatched nation, and India. It is their job to inform Indian citizens of what is going on in their country, and it is also their job to inform their nation's citizens of what is going on in India. 
How Do I become an Ambassador?
Later, the Ministry will publish an article that will allow people with eIndian citizenship to apply to become ambassadors. More information will also be disclosed in that article, so be sure to watch the Indian Media for that article!