[MNS] Friendly Team For Fighters (F.T.F.F)

Day 994, 01:39 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by amer59

Dear readers;

As you may know we (some of my friends and I) were trying to start a 100 private team, and we decided to help any nation if they call for help, and of course they need to pay for our help.
At the moment we will help our nation for free, and ourself will pay for it, only because of our beliefs.

After about 2 months (from when we decided to start it till now) we are proud to introduce our team to you as below :

Main Office:

we have chosen our main office as Peace and Freedom Party in Peninsular Malaysia, and will manage our team using this party, and the name will change in next few days.

The Name:

We have chosen the name "Friendly Team For Fighters", or in short letters "F.T.F.F" for our gang.


Members in our group are normal players, just like every one else in this game, we will recieve the exact orders and without any useless questions will follow them, while we believe them and can trust them.


As a member we will follow the instructions from our gang leaders, at the moment we have 3 gangs of 9 members and 1 officer (10 players in each gang) and we are preparing the 4th one. Leaders will receive instructions, discuss about it and will inform the lower positions.

Rules in Words:

We will follow these words :

1- No Mercy

2- No Quarter


We have chosen this Logo for our band :

This will use on above of our articles and for our advertisemnets.

Profile Uniform:

This one is under construction, and will show on our next article.


Our Signature will be our first law, No Mercy.

How to register

By filling our online application (Below Link) form your registration will start and you will receive an in-game msg within next 24 hours from when you applied, then if you were selected by F.T.F.F Leaders, you will become one of us, and you will have the chance to be a leader there, so keep your eyes open on your in-box.

The Link :


Registration Fee

As a reward first appliers, it will be free of any charge till day 1000 eRepublik Time, and after this short period the charges will be as below :

- eMalaysia citizens need to pay 0.25 Gold and donate it to Mansour's Org

- Non-eMalaysia citizens need to pay 0.5 Gold and donate it to Mansour's Org


Nothing special than free weapons, moving tickets, etc. (in one word "all necessaries") instead of food.

How we find money for our mobilizations

We are working on our companies for low salaries and the F.T.F.F will support us by donating all what we need, gang leaders will arrange it and donate it to you. so we only need to buy food with those payments.

More information will publish later

We also have some benefical projects in early future, so you can subscribe this newspaper and be one of our first reeaders in next articles.

Amer59 (Mansour)

F.T.F.F Member