[MNS] An open letter to Nicholas2000 (President Of eMalaysia)

Day 1,051, 12:56 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by amer59

Congratulations eMalaysians and new ePresident of eMalaysia;

Dear Mr. President (Nicholas2000);

I'm talking for all eMalaysians who have voted for you and I need to say congratulations again and again and again ....

From about 6 hours ago you started your new job as our new President of eMalaysia and I would like to remind you some simple items :

- It's not for sleeping in first days and you must work harder than what you think as new non-PTOer president after 2 months to solve as many problem as you can which those eShoes have made during last 60 days

- You should summarize the total saving eMalaysia have in its saving pocket and inform the congress as soon as possible

- You need to propose the correct trading embargoes and MPPs proposals within next 48 hours (of course after discussion with congress)

- You need to manage to attack Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia as soon as possible and do tanking the Army

- You must prepare a list of your ministers as soon as possible and inform every one what they need to do

- You need to find a key to access to all our Banks

- You need to keep in touch with people

- You should be online at least 2-3 hours a day and inform those who may have something to discuss (CP Office Opening Hours I meant), and it's better to be in irc channel

- I know it may be hard job to do but you need to make jobs for those who voted for you and make sure they enjoy eMalaysia ( you may talk about it with congress ) while there are so many players around without job ( they will loose their HW Medal and/or more G/MYR to buy foods)

- You should try to make an enjoyable country to eLive for citizens (short term and long term)

- You have to do your best for the country

- You have to forget all personal problems with other players and as you said before be unite

At the end I need to inform you we are all here to help you and give you a hand to re-build the country from O😞0.00 , 0.00) point, so do not hesitate to ask for any help, it won't show your weakness but your teamwork ability , and do not forget to respect every single vote from eMalaysians and those ATO team.

keep in mind you owe the country to be a good president.


Amer59 (Mansour)


sorry but just remember something;

- You need to set someone(s) and give them some money to solve Monetary Market Problems ..
