[MNS] 30 Rifles for 30 Voters in FUP and DPP (Hurry Up)

Day 969, 10:30 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by amer59

Dear All FUP and DPP Members;

Because of your effective action during yesterday Party Presidential Election, I decided to give you some prizes. 30 Rifles for 30 Voters those voted for FisccherZ and Clanky4 as the one candiates in "FUP" and &quot😉PP". I really appreciate your WISE Decision for choosing the best candidate for your party.

What you need to do is only write your Favourite Candidate who you DID vote for, on comments of this article and you will receive your prize as soon as I can see 19 names from DPP and 11 names from FUP (FischerZ and Clanky you are out of this).

So please Hurry up and name your candidate below, and only those 30 voters please write here to receive free rifles, Other comments also welcome.

Thank you all FUP and DPP members for your understanding and help your party.



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