[MIT] First Mission Results

Day 813, 20:14 Published in Thailand Thailand by Allan Dobrowolski
Bogdan_L (author of From The Shelf) has provided me with the stats from our first ever mission in Liaoning (and I thank him very much and suggest that you check out his newspaper). 😉

22. Thailan😛 3289 dmg, 5 fighters, 84.33 d/f, 7.80 fights/fighter

While the battle was a loss, I see this as a success. In a fairly significant battle, we were ranked 22nd out of 40. Sure, only 5 of our 8 fought, and I'm not going to bother asking names (roymustang might 😛), but remember that means as we grow, we'll become more and more significant ourselves by being able to tank, etc.. Remember, more soldiers gives more damage, and more damage gets recognition; so let's continue to make a name for our country!

For anyone interested in enlisting, I have made a Google form that you can submit. You can find it by copying and pasting the following link (all of it) in your browser:


All soldiers should remain in Beijing until further notice, unless they haven't worked, in which they should return home as the company we planned to work at is now a part of Russia.

Allan Dobrowolski
2nd Lieutenant, Mobile Infantry of Thailand
Executive Officer, Roaring Raiders Company