[Ministry of Social Affairs] Concerning the Citizenship Requests (GovPress)

Day 1,314, 11:50 Published in Egypt Egypt by mounir

Salutations Dear eEgyptian Citizens,

I thank you for putting your confidence on me in Lower Egypt and electing me as Congressman. I promise you that during this mandate, I'll continue as my habits to represent the government and the ALP in the Congress in order to contribuate for the betterment of eEgypt. 🙂

CitizenShip Requests

My Article today targets the Citizens of eEgypt who could, thanks to the Population of eEgypt, control the seats of the Parliament and are by the way able to provide CS;

Dear Congressmen,

In order to avoid a future Political Take Over (PTO), I pray you to listen to the orders of the Ministery of Social Development before accepting any Citizen Ship request.
When a foreigner asks about the sacred eEgyptian CitizenShip, I send him a message which will determinate to me what are his real intentions.
After that, I send his answer to the President, Varlosh, and to the Minister of Internal Affairs, AhmedAE, who will decide finally who will get or not the CS.
If any asker of CS ignores my messages, he will be automatically deleted from the list of eventual candidates of citizenship.

Two Congressmen accepted CS before this article was written. They won't be disturbed because they weren't informed about Government's plan to defend the Nation from PTO. However, I'll signal, in the future, all the congressmen who accept a CS without my benediction.

Cordially, Mounir, Congressman and actual Minister of Social Development.