[Ministry of Internal Affairs] Illegal naturalization by Congressman jorgejunior

Day 2,595, 15:38 Published in Nigeria Germany by Kalif Batan

Dear fellow eNigerians,
dear Congressmen of eNigeria,

the PTO attempt by Juve Leo and his "friends" from Portugal goes on.
Previous articles about these guys:

In one of my last articles I wrote to you, to tell you about some simple rules to follow, if a congressman wants to give the citizenship of eNigeria to someone.

Today the Congressman jorgejunior, who was illegal naturalized himself, didn't follow these rules and he naturalized the player tmfonseca.

This naturalization was against the rules, because there was no permission to give him the citizenship. His application was already denied!

Because of this illegal move by jorgejunior, the player tmfonseca won't get any citizen rights in eNigeria! He won't get help from the government, the government will warn all citizens about him, and of course he won't ever be able to participate in governmental work.
The players of eNigeria will also be warned about the Congressman jorgejunior from now on! All of his law proposals will be rejected by congress.

Best regards,

Kalif Batan
Minister of Interior of eNigeria